Direct Line Ancestor (See Chapter I.B)

Richard (older brother of George Deake) was born on November 22, 1682 to parents Charles and Mary Deake at Minehead, Spomerset, England. About 1709 he came to the Colony of Rhode Island and settled in the Town of Westerly. About 1711, he married Mary Lewis (daughter of John and Ann (Lanphere) Lewis born in Westerly, R.I. on May 4, 1689). This appears to have been a second marriage for Richard. They had a son Richard Jr. who apparently died in his childhood, leaving no male heir and two daughters (Grace and Elizabeth). His wife Mary died some time between 1735 and 1738.

The first offical record of Richard being in the Colonies was a witness to a Will of Thomas Wells on April 11, 1716 in the Town of Westerly. (Also signing as witness were Peter Button and William Davis. Executrices were Joseph Maxson, Thomas's brother Nathaniel and his wife.) On Feb. 24, 1717, Richard and Jabez Tucker took inventory of John Palmeter's estate. On April 2, 1717, he sign, along with Nehemiah Palmer and John Langworthy a sale of land near White Rock Lake by Philip Palmeter. On April 17, 1717, he and Nehemiah Palmer and John Langworthy signed a land record of Richard Palmeter. On June 11, 1717, he testified to John Early’s Will. Town Records indicate that on April 25, 1718 he received a deed to some land in Stonnington, Conn. from John Prossor (signed by John Richmond and Joseph Hall/Hill Jr.). Richard's land was mentioned in John Richmond's will on Nov. 4, 1718 as being bounded by this land. His land was also near land purchased by Mores Tucker. On June 30, 1722, Richard and Benjamin Green signed a release of Edward Wells from his fathers and back to his mother. A deed from John Richmond to Richard Deake on January 12, 1724, lists Richard as a Woolcomber.

On May 15, 1724 Richard applied for and was made a Freeman of the Town of Westerly. Town Records show he voted at a Town Meeting March 3, 1725. At a Town Council Meeting held in Westerly on November 29, 1725, the following was voted. "Richard Deake shall have liberty to retail all sorts of strong drink and liquor and to keep a Publick House of entertainment for victuals, drink, lodging and have meat for strangers and travellers and to keep order in his house and to begin this day for to continu untill the last Munday on August next and pay forty shillings down and comply with all the --- the law directs." Richard apparently ran this Publick House for many years, for there are any number of references between 1727 and 1730 in Town Council Records of the fee of forty shillings being paid by him. On July 13, 1727, an Episopal Church was started on the Champlin farm. The land was paid for by John Hill Esq. and Col Christopher Champlin (both of Charlestown). Richard Deake donated l lb. 10s. to this cause.

His name appears on a list of Freeman on the Town on June 27, 1728. On September 25, 1728 the Town Meeting was held at Richard's House. On Feb. 23, 1729, Richard and William Babcock signed a proclamation for John Maxson, Theodaty Roads and John Richmond to open a highway. On June 3, 1730 he was chosen as Third Grandjuryman to represent Westerly at the court session for the Colony. In June 1730 he was also appointed Lieutenant in the 3rd Company of Westerly Rhode Island Militia. (The basic unit of the Militia was the individual male citizen who was subject to regular military training from the time he reached the age of sixteen until he withdrew to honorable retirement at the age of sixty. Militiamen were organized into Town Companies known as Trainbands under local officers customarily elected by vote of their own men) Oliver Babcock was the Westerly Company Captain and John Maxson was Ensign.

On April 15, 1734, Richard was notified by the Town Council "to give bond to council for Negro Mingo and his wife or squaw; if he will not give bond then discharge this town of them." On July 29, 1734, Richard provided the bond of indemnity "for a Negro man and his Negro woman which he has in his custody and Dake shall give bond to indemnity this town from any charge that shall accurew by them." On Jan. 19, 1738 he purchased land from Thomas Shaw (formerly of Newport but currently a resident of New York). This deed was signed by John Hill, Hannah Champlin and entered by Justice Christopher Champlin.

He married a third time on May 7, 1739 Westerly, Kings Co., R.I. to Content (Rogers) Maxson (widow of Jonathan Maxson and daughter of Jonathan and Naomi Burdick Rogers -born in Rhode Island , 1688). They were married in the Seventh Day Baptist Church by Elder Joseph Maxson.

On April 18, 1744, his ear mark (identifying mark for livestock) was entered into the Town records: "ear mark __ a fork in the left ear and half penny ___ under side of right ear." In a land recorded dated May 18, 1744, his land was listed as being next to Nathan Tanner's land.

Sometime after 1747, the following was entered in the Town Records. "Witnessed - Richard Deake of this Town ___ to the Council that one Sarah Tarragh an Indian Woman of this Town put a female chile into the c/o Richard Deake in order to be bonded apprentice until Child should arrive to age of Eighteen years the said Dake having kept said child from, about two years old ___ space of about six years and the Sarah Tarragas has since refused Neglected to bond said child and since has orphanded. Therefore the said Dake is likely to suffer the child having no other relation capable to bond of said child or make good and charge to Dake for his charge expounded on said child The said Dake (adjoining) said child upon this Town. Therefore it is voted by this Council that the Clerk of this Council shall give and Indenture of said child (her name being Hannah) ___ said Richard Dake his heirs or ___ until said Hannah shall arrive to the age of Eighteen years She being Eight years old ___ infant. Dake keeping of her with ___ Meal Drink Clothing Washing or Lodging During said term and learn her to read and discharge her at experation of said term with one new suit of clothes ___ his common clothing and to give her twenty shillings in money of the currency when her ___ ___ and the Clerk of this Council shall give and take Indenture in behalf of this Council".

On November 27, 1753, Richard made his will. Town records contain no record of his death, nor of his Will being proven. However, on February 25, 1754 John Braman, Joshua Clarke, and Silas Greenman appeared before the Town Council and declared that they were the witnesses to his Will and at that time he was of perfect mind and memory. The Will was accepted and approved March 1, 1754 so we know Richard died between December and March. He left an estate valued at more than 5000 pounds at this death. After his death, his widow Content, remarried to Timothy Peckham on June 24, 1756.


In the name of God Amen. The Eleventh day of November in the 27th year of the Reign of George the Second King of Great Britain Anno Domini 1753. I Richard Deake of Westerly in Kings County and Colony of Rhode Island----- Woolcomber, being under infirmity of Body, but of perfect mine and memory thanks be given to Almighty God. Therfore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men to die Do make and ordain this my last will and testamont in the following mannor and form. Principally and first of all I resign my soul to God that gave it to me. When he shall please to call for it and my body I recommend to the earth to there in burried in decent Christian burial, at the discrection of my Excutrix herein hereafter named nothing doubting but that I shall receive the same again at the resurection of the just, by the mighty power of God and or touching my Worldly Estate or interest. Where wit it hath pleased God to bless me in this life. I give Demise and dispose of the same as followeth

Item I give and bequoath unto my beloved daughter Grace Thorp of Elizabeth Town in New Jersey in a norice? the sum of One thousand pounds in bills of credit of the old tenor to be levied and paid to her or her hairs out of my Estate by my executrix at twelve months after my decrease to be her and her hairs and assign forever.
Item I give and bequoath unto my Beloved daughter Elizabeth Moon, wife to Ebonezer Moon of Exetor in Kings County and Colony of Rhode Island the sum of One thousand Pounds in bills of the old tenor. To be levied and paid to her or her hairs out of my estate by my exector at twelve months after my decease to be to her and her hairs and assigns forever and also all my wearing apparrile and one feather bed and two coverled to be also to her and her hairs forever.
Item I give to my beloved friend Mr. Thomas Hiscox elder of the Seventh day Baptist Church in Westerly Afforced this sum of fifty pounds in bill of credit of the old tenor; to be paid to him or his hairs at twelve months after my decease by my executrix out of my estate.
Item I give ten pounds in bill of credit old tenor to the afforced Seventh day Baptist Church towards repairing their meeting house to be paid by my executrix to the eldest deacon of said church for the afforced life, at one year after my decease.
Item I give to the four sons of my brother George Deake late of Westerly Dec.; forty pounds a peace in bills of credit old tenor. Namely to John Deake, Edward Deake, George Deake and Charles Deake to each of them forty pounds as above said to be paid to them respectively at one year after my decease; by my execatrix.
Item I give to Susannah Clark daughter to by brother George Deake, Dec. and to her Lawfull hairs fifty pounds in bills of credit old tenor to be paid to her or them at twelve months after my decease by my execatrix.
turn over

Item I give to Sarah Deake and to Anna Deake daughters to my brother George Deake dec. to each of them fifty pounds in Bill of Credit old tenor to be paid to them respectively on the ___ orders or trice ___ at twelve months after my decease by my Executrix.
___ my willing that of ___ Servant girl named Hannah shall live out her time with my wife or according to Indenture for the ___, then I order my Executrix to pay to her five pounds in bills of credit old tenor of my estate.
Item I give and bequesth that my dearly beloved wife Content Deake all of remainder of my Estate which is not Herein otherwise disposed of what nature or kind so ever to be at her order Disposal forever Whom I also Constitute make and Ord__ my to be Exectrix of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoaking and making Null and Vogue all other wills and bequests by me is any witnessed have to fore and all other Executrix by me made or ___ ratifying this ___ as my Last Will and She only is my Extectrix In confirmation whereof I hear to get my hand and seal the Day of year ___ above witnessed

Richard Deake

Signed to all Published and Doc__ed by Richard Deake as his
Last Will and Testament in the presence of the Subscribers
John Braman
Jothan Clarke
Silas Greenman
Westerly of Kings County
John Breman, Jothan Clark and Silas Greenman The
witnesses to the Will appeared in Council February 28th 1754 and made oath that they saw Richard Deake the testator sign Seal and Declare this Testament to be his Last Will and Testament and that they subscribed or witnessed to this ___ in ye Testator presence before

John Maxson
Voted in Council that this will is accepted approved and ordered to be recorded
Entered March of 2, 1754
Silas Greenman Court Clerk


Descendants of Richard Deake

Children of RICHARD DEAKE and MARY LEWIS are:

i. GRACE3 DEAKE, b. 1712; m. ZEBULON THROPS, Nov 11, 1753, Elizabeth Town, N.J..

ii. ELIZABETH DEAKE, b. Abt. 1714, Town of Westerly, Kings Co., R.I.; d. Bef. 1778, Exeter, Kings Co., R.I.; m. EBENEZER MOON III, Jun 12, 1735, North Kingstown, Kings Co., R.I..

iii. RICHARD DEAKE, b. 1716, Town of Westerly, Kings Co., R.I.; d. Abt. 1718, Town of Westerly, Kings Co., R.I..


Died as an infant.