Ann (Shackloth)
Dake, Dwight Dake and Dennis Dake, in 1965
Dennis was born on April 9,
1942 in Oelwein, Iowa to parents Myron C. and Charlotte M. Dake. In 1943, he moved
with his family to Cedar Rapids, Iowa His earliest recollections were of the home
in Cedar Rapids and waiting at the front door for his father to come home from
World War II.
The family then moved to Garrison,
Iowa where he started school. About the only thing he remembered about this school
was the teacher warming milk on the hot water heating radiator. Some time during
this school year he cut his knee on a piece of broken field tile. The family moved
to Eldora, Iowa, in Nov. 1949 where he was in the second grade. During that same
school year the family moved to Belle Plaine, Iowa and later to Lamont, Iowa.
So he attended three different schools during this year. The only things he remembers
from living in Eldora were relative to Christmas. He wanted a cowboy doll for
Christmas and there was a little debate in the family if he should be playing
with dolls. He also remembers receiving an electric train for Christmas. He only
slightly remembers going to school in Belle Plaine. He believes he remembers a
fire at the house in Belle Plaine.
In 1950, the family moved
to Lamont, Iowa and lived in a house in the block behind the main street. His
parents purchased a grocery store in Lamont. A short time later the family moved
to a second home. While living in this second home Dennis remembers several
things: His brother Bob being born. Building an ice fort in the front lawn.
Buying a little bottle of perfume for a girl he has a crush on (Georgia Helms).
Fighting with the Wessel kids from down the block. A bum that lived in a small
shack in the field behind the home. The large ditch by the railroad tracks being
flooded and kids cutting a 55 gallon drum in half and using it as a boat. At
school an old picture of Washington crossing the Delaware River. Old steam engines
coming through town with the smoke bellowing from the smoke stack.
The family then moved to a
third residence in Lamont. Dennis remembered the following while living in this
house: Being locked out of the house by the baby sitter. The family having a dog
named Daisy. Watching his parents play Santa Claus on Christmas eve through a
grate in the bedroom floor. Burying milk bottle caps which resembled coins in
a treasure chest below the bridge near the house. Participating in Christmas pageant
in school. He always wanted to be one of the main charters in the play but never
got the opportunity. He also remember the Corkery sisters who where teachers in
grade school. His friend Richard Grapes taking apart his desk in homeroom until
it finally fell apart.
The family moved to a fourth
residence in Lamont. Some of Dennis's memories from this home are: Taking out
an old oil burning furnace stove and tearing out an arched door way into the dinning
room. Sleeping in unheated back room on bunk beds. Purchasing a reel to reel tape
recorder which he used to exchange tapes with a tape pal in England. Playing with
puppets and magic tricks and putting on plays for neighbor kids. Playing the Cornet
in the school band. Raised rabbits for an FFA school project. Some of the rabbits
froze to death and others were butchered by his father to sell in the store. He
belonged to the school science club "the Up and Atoms". Took Physics class with
brother Maurice. He entered a weather station in the school science fair. Going
to Waterloo, Iowa for band festivals. Mr. Stanley (principle nicknamed "Gopher")
who used to hit students in the back of the head with chalk board erasers when
you did a problem incorrectly on the blackboard. Mrs. Heiserman teaching him drawing
perspective (his first interest in Art). The big study hall in High School where
punishment was to pick up paper scraps from the floor and kids would save all
of their paper to throw on the floor until after you had passed. School library
located on an old stage in the front of the study hall. Sports pep rallies on
the cold stone steps in the gym. Playing in Pep Band for basketball games. I remember
a Sock Hop that didn't come off too well at school. Ice Cream Socials at the Methodist
Church where he had to turn the crank on the ice cream maker by hand. He received
an outstanding award as paper carrier from the Cedar Rapids Gazette. He was the
Lamont representative to Boys State at Camp Dodge in Des Moines. This was his
first visit to see the state capital. He has a copy of the Lamont Leader that
has an account of his experience at Boys State.
In his Senior year of high
school he decided to buy a motor scooter. He went to Oelwein, Iowa and purchased
the bike and on the way home on a country road he got caught in the middle of
a herd of long horn steers which had broken through a fence. A hoof of a steer
got caught under the front fender of the motor scooter and threw him off. He received
many cuts but no broken bones and ended up staying in the hospital for a couple
weeks. He graduated from Lamont Community High School in 1960. During the first
summer after graduation he worked at Newmans Department store in Cedar Rapids,
Iowa, decorating displays in the store window. That fall he entered Upper Iowa
University in Fayette, Iowa During this school year he lived on $10 per week and
mainly lived on peanut butter sandwiches. The first semester he commuted from
Lamont but after ending up in the ditch one day due to icy roads he moved in with
a friend where he lived through the second semester. When school was out in 1961
he joined the Air Force and went to Lackland AFB for basic training. During his
stay at Lackland he saw his brother Maurice who was just finishing basic training.
After basic training he stayed at Lackland for another four weeks to receive basic
medical training at the base hospital. He then was transferred to Gunter AFB,
Montgomery, Alabama, where he was trained in Preventative Medicine. While stationed
in Alabama he had his first experience with segregation. He saw drinking fountains
and rest rooms for black people and could not go off base with a black Airman.
(This was just prior to the restaurants boycotts in the South). He stayed at Gunter
AFB for 8 weeks of training, leaving in the Fall of 1961.
After technical training school
he went home on leave. He was given orders to go over seas but on his way to McGuire
AFB his train got stuck in a snow storm and he almost missed the flight to England.
He was next stationed at Sculthorpe AFB in Sculthorpe, England. While in England
he met his future wife Ann Shackloth. In Dec. 1961 he was transferred to Weisbaden
AFB, Germany. In June of 1963 he returned to England to marry Ann Shackloth on
June 29, 1963 in the Church of England at Sculthorpe, Norfolk, England. He and
his new wife stayed in Germany through the remainder of his enlistment, Dec. 1964
and traveled throughout Europe. While in the Service he worked at an Environmental
Laboratory doing air and water sampling. He also had to sample fruit and pastry
from the local town and had to interview other airman who got Venereal Disease.
His son Dwight was born in June 1964 on the Air Force base.
When he returned from the
service for a short period of time he and his family lived in a trailer which
was parked next to his parents home in Lamont, Iowa He then returned to Upper
Iowa University and completed his Bachelors degree in Art in August 1966. (He
graduated Cum Laude). He then attended the University of Northern Iowa at Cedar
Falls, Iowa during the 1966 - 1967 school year. He was a Student Teacher at West
High School in Davenport, Iowa between 1967 and 1970. In August of 1969 he received
his MA in Art from University of Northern Iowa. His daughter Melonie was born
in January 1969 at St. Lukes in Davenport, Iowa. From 1970 through 1971, he taught
at Merry Crest College in Davenport, Iowa. In 1971 he received an appointment
as Assistant Professor of Art at Iowa State University, in Ames, Iowa. From 1973
to 1974, he was the President of Art Educators of Iowa. In 1975 he became an Associate
Professor of Art at Iowa State University and was assigned the duties of Art Education
Coordinator for Iowa State University and later became a full Professor.
In November 1982 he was
divorced from Ann Shackloth. In 1984 - 1985 he was President of Visual Literary
Association of Iowa. On April 25, 1985 he married a second time to Dorothy Smith.
He retired as Professor of Art at Iowa State University in 2009 and continues
to live in the Ames, IA area.
Dennis M.
Dake Family
Dennis Dake
Dwight Dennis Dake
Dwight was born on June 3,
1964 at Weisbaden AFB, Germany to parents Dennis Dake and Ann (Shackloth) Dake.
On July 23, 1985 he married Tami Albright at Nevada, IA. Tami had a son (Mathew
Foote) from a previous marriage and was adopted by Dwight. (She was born June
4, 1964 in Fort Dodge, IA). He graduated from Iowa State University and currently
works for the University in Information Systems.
of Dwight Dennis Dake
AHAHBBCDAAA. Drayke Dwight
Drayke was born on July 16, 1995 at Ames, Story Co., IA to parents Dwight Dake
and Tami (Albright) Dake.
Ann Dake
was born on Jan. 21, 1969 at Ames, IA to parents Dennis Dake and Ann (Shackloth)
Dake. She married Todd Spear on Aug. 19, 1989 at Ames, Story Co., IA. They have
childred: Shelbi Lynn Spear (born Aug. 21, 1991 at Ames, Story Co., IA) and
Megan Spear (born Oct. 18, 1994 at Ames, Story Co., IA). She was a School Teacher.
Ron was born on March 7, 1947
at Virginia Gay Hospital in Vinton, Iowa. At this time his parents were living
in Garrison, Iowa. He moved with his parents to Lamont, Iowa in 1950. His parents
has moved into their second home in April 1950 when his father took him home and
put him to sleep for an afternoon nap. Ron woke up, grabbed his overalls and walked
all the way down town naked carrying his pant for his mother to put on. He started
Kindergarten in Lamont, Iowa in 1952.
In First Grade he broke his
leg on the swing set in front of the school house. The local doctor (Dr. Ford)
took care of him initially but said he needed to go to the hospital. The local
banker (and a long time family friend) Elmo Bar took Ron to the hospital in Cedar
Rapids in his car while his Dad held his leg all the way to the hospital. He remembers
being in traction for 3 weeks in the hospital and waiving out the window to his
brothers when they visited. When he finally got out of the hospital he remembers
his brother Dennis showing him his new Cornet horn on the way home. He had to
wear a half body cast for a while.
While growing up in Lamont
he remembers going out into the woods behind the home to a place he called Blueberry
Hill. During one of these war games his brother Maurice remembers finding Ron
and his friend John Richmond burning dynamite that they had found, as a flare.
He remembers playing army and digging trenches by his friend John Richmond's home.
During the summers he played baseball and was quite a home run hitter. His coach
was Leland Steel. He remembers riding horses at John Richmond's uncles home (Harry
Stewart). Sliding down the hills at Backbone State Park in the winter. He was
active in Boy Scouts (his scout leader was Jimmy Jackman). In Junior High School
he played basketball. Playing baseball was his biggest thrill in his life at this
time, however, he didn't play in this Senior year of High School. He got the title
of "Ironman Dake" because of his hitting ability. He lettered 3 years in baseball
and 4 years in wrestling. He wrestled at 154 lbs. and had a difficult time keeping
down to this weight.
When he was 15 he got a 1955
Chevrolet but couldn't drive it until he was 16. On the day he turned 16 and got
his license he got the car out of storage and was picked up for a burnt out light.
Ron was very little trouble to his parents but he does remember an incident where
he was caught driving across the school lawn. In 1963 he was in a car accident.
The car rolled three times and friend Calvin Reiling went through the front window.
Calvin broke his back. He remembers a family friend A.O. Cowles finding Ron and
the ride in an ambulance to the Manchester Hospital in Manchester, Iowa.
When he was about 17 or 18,
he worked one summer for a local farmer (Mr. Paris). During this summer he purchased
a 1957 Cheverolt. He also worked as a Co-Op during his Senior year for a local
gas station owner (Tudor Bowden). In 1965 to 1966, he attended Upper Iowa University
in Fayette, Iowa and majored in Accounting and Business Administration. He quite
school after the first year and work for a short time with his father in a grocery
store in Winthrop, Iowa. He then moved to Davenport, Iowa and lived with his brother
Maurice. He got a job working on Ultrasonic cleaners at Bendix Corporation until
he enlisted in the Air Force on Dec. 15, 1966.
He took his basic training
at Lackland AFB in Texas and then was transferred to Shepard AFB, Witchta Fall,
Kansas for technical training in Entomology from Feb. 1967 until June 1967. He
then was permanently assigned to Elemendorf AFB, Anchorage, Alaska in the Civil
Engineering and Military Public Health Department. He spent some time Temporary
Duty Assignments to King Salmon, Alaska during his tour of duty. During one of
these stays he received the information that his Step Grandfather (Harold Manor)
had passed away. He stayed in Alaska for 2 years and then was transferred to Langley
AFB, Hampton, Virgina, in May 1969. On Aug. 2, 1969 he married Jill Schneckloth
in Davenport, IA. (sister to brother Maurice's wife, Jane). They lived at Buchrow
Beach, Virginia. While in the service he worked part time for NASA as a janitor
in the model shop and residence halls for the astronauts. After this he also worked
part jobs as an Assistant Manager of Pizza Hut and worked for a manger of two
Pizza Huts who was originally from Davenport, Iowa.
On Dec. 5, 1970 he was discharged
and returned to Davenport, Iowa and a job with Bendix Corporation. On April 2,
1971 their first son Troy was born in Davenport, Iowa. For a short time they lived
in Davenport and then moved to a house in Eldrige, Iowa. He spent much of his
free time coaching Little League Baseball. He worked at Bendix Corp. building
and calibrating altimeters and oxygen tanks for pilots and learned how to operate
a multi-axes machining center. On Aug. 30, 1973 their second son Eric was born.
In 1974 he quit his job at Bendix and went to Iowa State University (ISU) where
he majored in Civil Engineering. While at ISU they lived in married student housing
(Pammel Court). He graduated in May 1977 with a B.S. in Civil Engineering. He
first got a job in Des Moines, Iowa as a Gas Regulatory Engineer with the Iowa
State Commerce Commission. They continued to live at Ames in married student housing
until a loan went through which allowed them to purchase their first home in DeSoto,
Iowa. On Aug. 21, 1978, he took a job with Iowa Public Service (Utility Company)
in Sioux City, Iowa, as a Civil Engineer working on structural design of transmission
lines and substations. He coached Little League in Sioux City, Iowa for 9 years.
In 1976 be was appointed Manager, Systems, Gas Engineering. This company is now
Midwest Resources.
His interests have been
boating and golf. In 1993 he was divorced from Jill (Schneckloth) Dake.
married a second time to Shannon Marie Towns on Dec. 28, 1996 in Sioux Falls,
Minnehaha Co., South Dakota. He continues to work as an engineer for Midwest
Resources in South Dakota.
Ronald Wayne
Dake Family
Troy Dake
Troy Dake
Kimberly Jo (Grubel) Dake
Troy was born on April
2, 1971 at Davenport, Scott Co., IA to parents Ronald Dake and Jill (Schneckloth)
Dake. He married Kimberly Jo Grubel on May 8, 1993 at Sioux City, Woodbury
Co., IA. They later adopted two children from Russia: Hunter and Carson Dake.
Eric Dake
Eric was born on Aug. 30, 1973 at Davenport, Scott Co., IA to parents Ronald
Dake and Jill (Schneckloth) Dake.
Robert (better known as Bob)
was born on June 23, 1951 at Willard Hospital, Manchester, Iowa. His parents were
living in Lamont, Iowa at the time. He started kindergarten in Lamont in 1956.
In First grade he was chosen as the ring bearer for the Homecoming Queen. One
of his teachers gave him a "Golden Book" to read from. Later she got this book
back from Bob and gave it to her niece. Bob's name was inscribed inside the book.
The teachers niece was his future wife. He broke his collar bone when a door fell
on him when the family was moving to a new home in Lamont. When he was little
he liked to put his pillow outdoors to get it cold before he went to bed. He wore
yellow pajamas with feet and we nicknamed him "Twinkie". At first he slept on
the couch in the living room until the folks bought bunk beds. He slept in the
bunk bed above his brother Maurice and he enjoyed bouncing him off the bed when
he crawled into bed (some times hitting the ceiling).
He was a member of the Cub Scouts. Some of his earliest memories were of his friends
Grant Bowden and Larry Donaldson playing Army at Grant's house and hunting in
the woods behind the family home. His parents burned trash in an old barrel behind
the house and one day Bob started to play with the fire and caught the garden
on fire. He was later found hiding behind a chair in the house (he knew he was
in trouble). He later joined the Boy Scouts and remembers being homesick at Scout
camp (one of his first times away from home). His brother Ron stayed with him
one day to get him to stay and not want to go back home. He obtained the rank
of Star Scout while in the Scouting program.
One day when he was playing with a kid who was visiting in Lamont, they took a
plank and tried to float down the creek behind the family home. No one knew where
he was and they had everyone out looking for him. In school he played Little League
Baseball and Football, when in Junior High School. While still in Junior H.S.
he got interested in music and sold his older brothers Cornet to purchase an electric
guitar. He started a band with some of his friends. He played the guitar and sang.
The name of this first group was "Underground Society". In the 7th grade when
the Beatles singing group was popular he grew his hair long and his school Principle
told him to get it cut. This did not go over well with Bob. He went out for football
in his Freshman year at Starmont H.S. but did not continue. While in High School,
he started a new bank called "Purple Haze" which contained some of the
original band members but most were new members. They played for homecomings,
Proms and a University of Northern Iowa dance. By this time Bob was lead singer
and played guitar. During High School this time he met his future wife Ann Barbara
Hochhaus of Strawberry Point, IA. (She was born on June 18, 1952 in Edgewood,
IA). Ann was the manager of the Girls Basketball team for Starmont High School
when they met. Their first date was a trip to Upper Iowa University to see a band.
They started dating when they were both Sophomore's (1967). They started going
steady at the stroke of midnight (1968). They dated each other off and on during
their High School years.
Bob was nominated to go to the University of Wisconsin, Platteville, Wisc. to
put on a play at the Pioneer Summer Festival called "Little "Abner". He stayed
in a college dorm for two weeks. He remembers watching the space shot to the moon
during this stay. He was hired for $100 per performance by the college to do other
plays; " Shakespeare", "Rainmaker" and "110 in the Shade".
He tells the story about the difficulty in digging a hole in the middle of winter
to bury his brother Maurice's dog. He had to pour hot water on the ground to thaw
it out enough to dig the hole. He buried the dog in a box that was marked "ship
to heaven" and made a tombstone out of wood which was inscribed with a wood burning
set. Maurice was in the Air Force at the time. He graduated from High School in
May 1970. During the summer of 1970 he went to see his brother Ron who was in
the U.S. Air Force in Virginia. In the Fall of 1970 to Sept. 1971 he attended
Kirkwood Technical College and majored in architectural drafting. While at Kirkwood,
he once hitch hiked to Iowa City to a Rock Concert. While in Cedar Rapid, Iowa
he first stayed with his grandmother for a couple of weeks and then with a friend
in a trailer park. Ann then moved to Cedar Rapids and started to work for an Insurance
Company. At the time he graduated, the Vietnam War was going on and he figured
he was going to get drafted (he was 44 in the lottery). He tried to find a job
for three months but because of his low number in the lottery he was unable to
find one. With nothing better to do, he drove to Louisiana to see his old friend
Grant Bowen where he was in College. He went to the Federal Building in Cedar
Rapids and talked to both the Air Force and Navy recruiters and remembers antiwar
protesters outside the building. He sat down with one of the protesters to talk
and the recruiter that he had just talked to came out and saw him. The recruiter
said to him "wait until we get you". He went to Des Moines to take his physical
for the draft and returned to Lamont on a bus. He waited another month to be called
into the service but at this time the war was scaling down and he didn't have
to serve.
He then found a job with U.S. Homes in Des Moines, Iowa as a drafter and worked
there from Jan. 1972 to June 1972. He lived with his brother Dennis at this time.
He drove to Cedar Rapids and then flew to Davenport, Iowa for an interview. In
June 1972 he got a job in Davenport, Iowa with Soenke & Wayland as an Architectural
draftsman. When he first got the job he stayed with his brother Ron who was living
in Eldrige, Iowa. In April 1972 he was engaged to be married to Ann Barbara Hochhaus,
his high school sweetheart. Ann got a job at the Osteopathic Hospital in Davenport.
They were married in Sept. 2, 1972 at Strawberry Point, IA. They had an apartment
on Kimberly Road, Davenport, Iowa. In June 1974 he left Davenport for Dubuque,
Iowa to work for Durrnat Architectural/Engineerng Group as a Structural Technician.
They lived in an apartment for one year while in Dubuque. Their daughter Jennifer
was born at Finley Hospital, Dubuque, Iowa on Oct. 1, 1975. He was promoted to
the position of Structural Technician and they bought a home and lived there until
1977. On Oct. 1977 he took a position with Seedorff Masonry as an Estimator in
Strawberry Point, Iowa (home town of his wife). Their daughter Kimberly was born
on March 30, 1980 at the Delaware County Hospital, Manchester, Iowa. On April
12, 1987 their daughter Cortney was born at Delaware County Hospital in Manchester,
Iowa. While in Dubuque he started as an Assistant Scout Master and continued to
be a Scout Master for 6 years in Strawberry Point. For four years he was the District
Chairman. He received the Volunteer Scouter of the Year award in 1982 and the
Award of Merit in 1984. He took the training to become a First Responder and then
trained to be an Emergency Medical Technician and for one year he was on the local
ambulance crew. He started a singing group called the "Merer Image" which sang
at church affairs and weddings. They first rented a house and later purchased
a new home. Bob worked his way up as an Estimator and was promoted to Vice President
to start a new office in Tampa, Florida.
They moved to Oldsmar, Fla. and lived there from June 1987 until Dec. 31, 1988.
When he moved to Florida he was the coach of his daughters’ Softball team for
two years and they were undefeated. He was chairman of Pastor Relations at their
church in Oldsmar (Oldsmar Community United Methodist Church). In 1988 they moved
to Safety Harbor, Fla. Bob was one of the founders of the Masonry Contractors
Association of Florida. He was the first President and was on the board the second
year. He was the Vice President of the American Subcontractors Association for
two years (1991 - 1992). In 1993, SMI closed their Tampa office and offered Bob
a position back in Strawberry Point but he decided not to return and quit. He
worked for a couple of companies in Florida before starting his own demolition
business, Ace Construction Inc., in Tampa, FL.
Robert Neil
Dake Family

Jennifer Ann Dake
Jennifer was born on Oct. 1, 1975 at Finley Hospital, Dubuque, Dubuque Co.,
IA to parents Robert Dake and Ann (Hochhaus) Dake. She graduated from High School
in Safety Harbor, Florida and then attended the University of Florida. After
graduation, she worked as a Logistic Coordinator for the Salt Lake (Utah) Olympic
Committee. She married Riken Kishar Shah on July 21, 2001 at Clearwater, FL.
(Rikin was born on July 31, 1977 in Ahemedabad, Gujurat, India. They had son
Radek Rikin Shah on Sept. 1, 2004 at Tampa, FL and a second son Saxon Rikin
Shah born on Dec. 20, 2007 at Tampa, FL. Jennifer worked as an estimator for
her father's company (Ace Contracting Enterprise) in Tampa but then became a
full time homemaker. Rikin currently works for Ace Contracting Enterprise, Inc.
Kimberly Michelle Dake
Kimberly was born on March 30, 1980 at Delaware County Hospital, Manchester,
Delaware Co., IA to parents Robert Dake and Ann (Hochhaus) Dake. She graduated
from High School in Safety Harbor, Florida and then attended the University
of Northern Florida in Jacksonville, Florida. She married Adam David Frankie
on November 5, 2005 at Safety Harbor, FL. (Adam was born Oct. 2, 1979 in Wahington,
PA). On Feb. 8, 2008 they had a son Grayson David Frankie in Clearwater, FL.
Both Kimberly and Adam work for Ace Contracting Enterprise, Inc. in Tampa, Florida.
Cortney Lea Dake
Cortney was born on April 12, 1987 at Delaware County Hospital, Manchester,
Delaware Co., IA to parents Robert Dake and Ann (Hochhaus) Dake. Cortney graduated
from High School in Safety Harbor, Florida and then attended the University
of Central Florida. She married Alex Jadidian on March 7, 2010 in Clearwater,
FL. (Alex was born March 18, 1987 in Wheeling, WV). Cortney is currently entrolled
at the University of North Carolina for her Masters in Radiological Science.
Alex is attending the University of Florida in Gainsville, Florida and working
on his Ph.D. in Psychology.