was born on Dec. 25, 1816 to parents William GouldDake Jr. and Orpha Miller. In
1820 he moved with his father, and brother Charles Alonzo Dake to Portage, Livingston
Co., N.Y. He many times told the story that at the age of 4 he was strapped to
a grass cutting machine driving a team of horses on the farm taking the place
of a hired hand. This story was later verified by his brother Benjamin Franklin
Dake. He married Maria S. Hagadorn on Jan. 12, 1837. (She was born on Jan. 27,
1817 and died at Oakhill, N.Y. on Mar. 4, 1844) He was married three times after
this: (2) Mary Ann Towne on May 5, 1844 (She was born on July 31, 1820 and
died on May 20, 1849); (3) Sarah Imogene Burgess on Jan. 29, 1850 (She was
born on Dec. 22, 1828 at Nunda, N.Y. and died on Jan. 14, 1861 at Oakhill, N.Y.
Her father was a deacon of the Nunda Presbyterian Church. Her brother Frank J.
was an express messenger for the Union Pacific Railroad running from Omaha, Neb.
to Cheyenne, Wyoming. During his duties as messenger he had several encounters
with members of the Jesse James gang. He was with the U.S. Surveyors in Nebraska;
also Superintendent of schools in Omaha for 20 years and a member of the Nebrasks
State Legislature. Her mother's maiden name was Sarah Morton. Sarah Morton had
a brother, Levi P. Morton, who was Vice President of the U.S. in 1889 and Governor
of New York in 1895-96).; (4) Fanny Malina Andrus on Nov. 18, 1861. (She
was born on Oct. 5, 1831 and died on Feb. 14, 1906. She was a Methodist) On
Feb. 5, 1843 he was baptized in the Baptist Church. He was a farmer and lived
on the family farm from 1837 until 1868 when he moved to Nunda. In 1868 he opened
a hardware store with his son Moses William Dake. He was a Baptist until the church
gave their roofing job to some one else. He then became a Methodist. He died in
Nunda, N.Y. on Feb. 7, 1900 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery.
AHAFAA. Moses William Dake
Moses was born to parents Jonathan Miller Dake and Maria S. Hagadorn on Mar. 23,
1841 at Oakhill, N.Y.. He was educated in the Nunda Academy. He was listed in
the Wisconsin census of 1860 as living in Racine, Wis. and being from Produce,
N.Y. at the age of 28. He enlisted for the Civil War at Portage, Livingston, New
York, he was unmarried at the time. Between 1864 and 1868 he clerked in the hardware store
of Hallenbake at Albion, N.Y. He was married to Hattie Hallenbake of Albioin,
N.Y. on Dec. 23, 1867 (She was born on Sept. 26, 1841 and died in Buffalo, N.Y.
on Nov. 30, 1923.) He returned to Nunda with his wife where he became associated
with his father in the hardware business. The firm was named J. M. Dake &
Son. He stayed in Nunda until 1883 when he sold his interest in his father's business
to Abram Miller Dake. In Jan. 1883 he became a partner in a baking business in
Buffalo, N.Y. with Horace J. Harvey -Niagara Baking Company and moved to 122 Pearl
Street, Buffalo, N.Y. From 1884 to 1890 they lived at 30 Mariner Street. In 1890
Moses who had bought out Harvey's interest sold his bakery to the United States
Baking Company, becoming manager of the Buffalo plant and a director of the company.
In 1893 the old bakery became to small and a new one was built on Michigan Street
and Myrtle Ave. and it was called the Niagara Bakery. In Feb. 1897 the Unites
States Baking company, the American Biscuit Company and the New York Biscuit company
consolidated under the name of the National Biscuit Company. During the early
days he had a home in the upstairs of the baking company. From 1890 to 1920 Moses
and family lived at 278 Franklin Street. From 1920 to 1922 Moses and his wife
lived at 675 Delaware Ave. He was still the manager of the Buffalo plant until
1916 when he retired with a pension of $4,000 a year, however, he remained a director
of the company until his death in 1924. In 1922 Moses and his wife moved again
to 250 Depew Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. Shortly after his wife's death his son Millard
H. Dake and his wife Bessie Wortman moved in to the home. He was a Deacon of the
Delaware Ave. Baptist Church until abouut 3 years before his death when he bacame
a member of the North Presbyterian Church, resulting from some activities that
occurrred between Millard and his son and the Baptist Church. He left an estate
of about $500,000. Only three people received money from his will; Millard, Trust
Funds; Abram Miller Dake, $125 every three months and a niece Hattie Warren, $125
every three months. Moses Dake was a short man, slender and a slow speaker, deep
thinker weighing well each word uttered. He died on Dec. 30, 1924 at Buffalo,
Moses William Dake
AHAFAAA. Lawrence Dake :
Lawrence was born about 1858 to parents Moses William Dake and Hattie Hallenbake.
AHAFAAB. Millard Hellenbake Dake
Millard was born in Nunda, N.Y. on April 24, 1876 to parents Moses William Dake
and Hattie Hallenbake. He lived at Nunda, N.Y. until 1883 when his father moved
to Buffalo, N.Y. He lived a few years at Erie and Pearl Streets, Buffalo, N.Y.,
now the rector of St. Paul's Catheral. Next he lived with his family at 30 Mariner
Street for about 15 years and then moved to 278 Franklin Street near Chippewa
Street. After his marriage he lived on Elmwood Avenue and later at Depew Avenue.
He and his wife lived there until 1935 when they sold the home moving to Los Angeles,
Calif. He worked for the National Biscuit Company and later operated a tire store
on Chippewa Street lossing for his father $20,000 in this venture. He then became
an insurance agent and after his father's death retired having an inheritance
of $500,000. The families were Baptist until 1920 when they became Presbyterians
over a matter of the Delaware Avenue Baptist Church insurance. He married Bessie
Starr Wottman in Buffalo, N.Y. on Jan. 14, 1914. (She was born in Ithaca, N.Y.)
During his life he wrote a Genealogy of the Dake Family which is at the Headquarters
of the American Sons of the American Revolution, Washington, D.C. He died in Los
Angeles, Calif. on Oct. 22, 1955 and was buried in Glenndale Cemetery.
AHAFAB. Matilda Caroline Dake
Matilda was born on Dec. 12, 1837 at Oakhill, Livingston Co., N.Y. to parents
Jonathan Miller and Mary S. Hagadorn Dake. She died at an early age in Sept. 15,
1853 and was buried in Picket Line Cemetery.
AHAFAC. Maria Ann Dake
Maria was born on Aug. 7, 1846 at Oakhill, N.Y. to parents Jonathan Miller and
Mary S. Hagadorn Dake. She married Dr. Franklin A. Warren on May 16, 1872. He practiced
medicine at Tekonsha, Mich. (He was born on May 10, 1845 and died on Nov. 17,
1923) They had children: Grace E., Harriet A., Howard Dake, Ada Louise and Jane
Belle. Marie died on Feb. 7, 1895 at Tekonsha, Mich.
AHAFAD. Benjamin Franklin Dake
Benjamin was born on Mar. 30, 1857 to Jonathan Miller Dake and Sarah Imogene Burgess
in Portage, Livingston Co., N.Y. He was born in the original William Gould Dake
homestead. Remembered as a child playing with an old flint lock musket which was
previously carried by William G. Deake during the Rev. War. His older brother
traded the musket to Madison Mosher, a neighbor. Mosher in turn traded the musket
to a gunsmith named John R. Bennett. He was named after his uncle Benjamin Franklin
Dake. He lived on Oakhill until 1868 when his father moved to the village of Nunda,
N.Y. He taught school at Brookgrove, N.Y. for a few years at a country school.
He was an attorney and on Jan. 6, 1880 was admitted to practice law in the Supreme
Court of New York and later on Oct. 4, 1898 in the Federal Northern District of
New York at Buffalo, N.Y. He lived and practiced law in Buffalo, Erie Co., N.Y.
for about 60 years. When he came to Buffalo he resided with his half-brother,
Moses, and family first for a few years at 122 Pearl St., then at 30 Mariner St.
until the middle nineties when he communted daily to East Aurora, N.Y. by train.
Until World War I; Benjamin had a room at Moses's home. For many years he handled
the legal affairs of Moses as lawyer for the National Biscuit Company. Around
World War I Benjamin and Millard, Moses's son, had words concerning the ice and
water in the basement of Moses's home when Moses and his wife were in California
for the winter. Millard had been given responsitility for the family home. Millard
was informed about the condition of the basement but did nothing about it, so
Benjamin wrote to Moses in California. Moses on return demanded that Benjamin
leave and not return. When Moses's wife Hattie died he took a bouquet of flowers
to the home but was refused addmittance. After her death Moses and Benjamin once
again became friends. He accumulated about $300,000 from his practice. Making
wills and settling estates was his main practice of law. He maintained offices
at Prudential Building, Buffalo, N.Y. with the firm of Baker, Swartz and Dake
for about 20 years. He later practiced on his own and then joined the firm of
Shire, Jellinek, Dake and Swartz until 1940 when he retired after 60 years of
law. He married Addie B. Crowley at Geneva, N.Y. on Oct. 24, 1888. (She was born
in 1860 and died in 1925. She was a doctor in Geneva, NY) They lived together
for about a years and were later divorced. She was possibly an Indian. After his
divorce to his first wife, he maintained offices in Buffalo, N.Y.with the firm
Baker, Swartz and Dake, but commuted daily to East Aurora, N.Y. by the Pennsylvania
Railroad. He married a second time about 1925 to a Mrs. Louise S. Kerschner formerly
of Cincinnati, Ohio. (She was born at Cincinnati, Ohio on May 21, 1861 and died
at Buffalo, N.Y. on Aug. 4, 1955) After his remarriage he lived first at 400 Elmwood
Ave. and later for the last 15 years of his life at 389 Elmwood Ave., Buffalo,
N.Y. For a period of time he had lived in East Aurora, Erie Co., N.Y. He helped
collect funds to erect a monument on the grave of William Gould Deake as family
historian for the Dake Reunion Association of Rochester, N.Y. In early 1900 he
wrote a column frequently in the Morning Express, now the Courier-Express on various
worldly subjects. He also wrote for the New York Times. Charles Morton Dake's
family broke relationship with Benjamin in 1903. By either marriage he had no
children. During his years of legal work he became friends and legal adviser to
a Mr. Higgins. He later received in his will $100 a month for life. Mr. Higgins
is buried next to Benjamin. During his career he lectured at the University of
Buffalo. He was a member of the Liberal Club of Buffalo. In his early years he
traveled about the country on a motorcycle. After his second marriage he owned
a car but never drove since he had a driver by the name of Mertonn D. McDonald.
He belonged to the Unitarian Church. He died in Buffalo, N.Y. on Sept. 10, 1944.
In the early morning hours he had fallen out of bed and fractured his arm. The
doctor took him to the hospital and to reset his arm necesitated the use of an
anesthetic. He died of cardiac arrest and was buried at Owego, N.Y.
AHAFAE. Charles Morton Dake, Sr.
Morton Dake
Age 95
Charles was born on Dec.
2, 1859 to parents Jonathan Miller and Sarah Imogene Burgess Dake on the Oakland
Road at Oakhill, Nunda, N.Y. (His father had settled there in 1820). In 1872,
he went to work for his father in his hardware store. He learnt the hardware
business and tinsmith trade from David F. Locke (1842-1934) who was employed
by his father. He worked for his father for about 5 years before starting his
own business with Frank Lake. At the age of 16 he went to work for a hardware
merchant, Chester A. Tousey. .. He later worked in the hardware business at
Painted Post, N. Y.; Manistique, Mich. a lumbering camp; Olean, N.Y. and in
1881 became associated with his father Jonathan Miller Dake in the Oil business
at Rock City, N.Y. near Bradford, Penn. where they owned 7 oil wells. In 1882
he sold his share for $30,000. He and his father after a year sold the business
and moved to Rochester, N.Y. where at another hardware store, Hamilton &
Mathews, and took a business course at Rochester Business Institute. On March
20, 1883 he moved to Buffalo, N.Y. from Rochester, N.Y. where he had lived for
about 3 years and was associated with his half-brother Moses William Dake who
owned half interest in Cracker Bakery. On April 18, 1891 he married Lillian
Belle Thun. (She was born on April 2, 1861 and died on Feb. 21, 1898) On June
22, 1899 he married Anna Wallie Bandle. (She was born on Jan. 19, 1875 at Buffalo,
N.Y. and died Jan. 24, 1949 in Buffalo, N.Y.) He came to Buffalo at the request
of his brother Moses William Dake to help him in the bakery located at Ellicott
Street and Myrtle Avenue. He remained with this partnership as Superintendent
of Manufacturing then with the U.S. Baking Company as General Manager, Niagara
Baking Company and the National Biscuit Company until early 1903 when he and
Moses had misunderstandings relating to Millard, Moses's only child. In 1903
he took a position as Superintendent of a Buffalo owned and operated baking
company known as Faxon, Williams and Faxons. In the early 1890's the President
of the U.S. Baking Company, Mr. S. S. Marvin, requested that he duplicate the
English Graham Cracker. After six months of experimenting he developed the Graham
Cracker; created machinery to put it into production. He later got the nickname
"Graham Cracker King" . In 1903 he joined the Faxon & Williams
Bakery, as superintendent. July 1906 he lost $100,000 in the stock market which
could have been saved if he could was able to get a few thousand dollars to
cover his stocks. At this time he asked his brother Abram Miller Dake to loan
him the money but was turned down; however in the late 1890's Charles had loaned
Abram money to purchase an coal house. So Charles side of the family broke from
Abram's family until 1921 when Jennie Hungerford was hospitalized at the Buffalo
General Hospital. He remained with the Faxon Bakery until Sept. 1, 1913. He
next worked with the F.N. Burt Paper Box Company of Buffalo until he retired
in May 25, 1931. (Today this company is part of the Moore Corp.) He enjoyed
music and played at churches until the 1890's. Between 1880 to 1882 he played
in the Lincoln Band at Rochester, N.Y. He was a regular member of a quartett
of the Lafayette Presybterian Church, Buffalo. He played the saxophone and violin.
(He owned a violin given to him by his father William) He moved to 58 Rhode
Island Street, Buffalo, N.Y. on Aug. 15, 1891. H received letters of congratulation
from President Eisenhwer, Governor Dewey, the Mayor of Buffalo and officials
of the National Biscuit Company, The F.N. Burt Company and Moore Corporation,
and others. He prized the relics his father brought from Saratoga by oxcart
in 1820 when he settled on Oak Hill. He traveled extensively by car. He always
maintained an extensive home work shop and built many appliances. He invented
a new stye hot-air furnace but never secured a patent. In his earlier days he
made frequent hunting and fishing trips to Canada. He was a Baptist and was
active in the Masonic Order. Before his death his advice to those who would
live long was to "smoke anything you can lay your hands on but drink only
occasionally, vote Republican, and eat plenty". He died at Buffalo, N.Y.
on July 16, 1957, at the age of 102, and was buried at Forest Lawn Cenetery.
He was injured July 18 in a fall down 17 steps of a stairway in his home. Medical
Examiner Edward R. Egan issued an accidental-death cretificate. His obituary
in the New York Times called him "The king of the American Graham Cracker."
Charles Morton Dake
AHAFAEA. Charles Crawford Morton Dake, Jr.
Charles was born at 58 Rhode Island St., Buffalo, N.Y. on March 3, 1900 to parents
Charles Morton, Sr. and Anna Bandle. He attended Buffalo Public School No. 49
from 1907 to 1915; Buffalo Lafayette High School for 1915 to 1919; University
of Buffalo College of Arts and Science 1919; School of Pharmacy 1922 to 1924
and Medical School 1925 to 1929. He worked for J. C. Landsheft, 836 Niagara
St., Buffalo, N.Y. (a pharamacy) from July 1922 to April 1928. From July 1913
to 1928 he delivered newspapers. He worked summers vacations and holidays for
the Reed Chocalate Company, Buffalo, N.Y. He was an interne at Buffalo General
Hospital 1929 to 1930. In the year 1933 he studied with Drs. McKesson, Clement,
McCarthy anesthesiology at Toledo, Ohio. He attended R.O.T.C. courses in Medical
School and spent six weeks at Carlisle Barracks, Penn. training in the Medical
Corps. He was commissioned in the U.S. Army Medical Corps. Reserves as 1st.
Lt. He devoted his practice of medicine at anesthesiology after Nov. 27, 1934.
He was a resident physician at Niagara Falls Memorial Hospital from July 1,
1930 to July 5, 1934. He established his office and residence on Nov. 27, 1934
at the Temperance House, now known as the Henry Hubbs Hotel, Niagara Falls,
N.Y. He was appointed Chief of Anesthesia at the Niagara Falls Mt. St. Mary's
Hospital in the year 1936 and in 1940 Chief of Anesthesia at the Niagara Falls
Memorial Hospital where he remained until Jan. 1, 1963. He was secretary of
the Medical Society of the County of Niagara from 1940 to 1954. He married at
Toronto, Ontario, Canada on Sept. 28, 1940 to Georgie Isabelle Kenney. (She
was born at Stitisville, Ontario, Canada on Feb. 25, 1897). On July 26, 1942
he was commissioned in the Army as Captain. On Aug. 28, 1942 he went on active
duty reporting at Fort Douglas, Salt Lake City, Utah. He spent several months
at Induction and Recruiting Station No. 2, San Francisco, Calif. On April 19,
1943 he reported at Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas being assigned to the
1st. Aux. Surgical Group, General Surgical Team as Anesthesiologists. On Sept.
6, 1943 he parted from his wife when assigned overseas. (After Jan. 1946 he
never heard from her again). On Sept. 19, 1943 he arrived in England. On June
28, 1943 he left England for Utah Beach with the 8th. Field Hospital. He spent
time serving in France, Belgium, Holland, Germany and Austria. On June 26, 1945
became a civilian. (He didn't actually leave the service until Jan. 1, 1946).
After returning home from Europe he was sent to Camp Crowder, Missouri where
he received training for the Japanese Theatre of Operations until Sept. 12,
1945. From Sept. 20, 1945 to Oct. 12, 1945 he was stationed at the Oliver General
Hospital, Augusta, Georgia. On Jan. 9, 1947 he was commissioned as a Major in
the Army. In 1955 he became Vice President of the Medical Society of Niagara
Co. and in 1956 it's president. For seven years in the 1930's he was secretery
of the Medical Staff of the Mt. St. Mary's Hospital. He was on the staff of
both the Niagara Falls Memorial and and Lewiston St. Mary's Hospitals. He died
Sept. 28, 1969 at Niagara Falls, N.Y. He was a member of the International Anathesia
Research Society, Medical Society of the State of New York, Medical Society
of the County of Niagara, American Medical Association, American Society of
Anesthesiologyist, Niagara Falls Academy of Medicine, Buffalo Anesthesia Society,
New York Society of Anesthesiologists, Buffalo Academy of Medicine, Royal Academy
of Medicine (London, England), American Diabetese Association, Niagara Falls
Diabetes Association and Association of Military Surgions.
AHAFAF. Abraham Miller
Abraham (Abram) was born on the west side of the Oakland Road on Oakhill, Livingston
Co., N.Y. (about 500 yards south of the Portage-Mt. Morris Township boundary
in the Town of Portage) on Feb. 25, 1851 to parents Jonathan Miller Dake and
Sarah Imogene Burgess. He married Jennie Mary Hungerford on Aug. 26, 1879. (She
was born at Nunda, N.Y. on Aug. 26, 1849 and died on May 27, 1921 also at Nunda,
N.Y.) Abram worked on the farm of his father until he was about 20 years old.
Abram became associated with his father in the hardware business. Shortly after
his 21st. birthday, on April 17, 1872 he became a member of the Keshequa Masonic
Lodge, Nunda, N.Y. He served several years as Justice of Peace at Nunda, N.Y.
After clerking in the hardware store of J. M. Dake & Son he left and purchased
a hardware store from Spinks and Gardner at Dalton, N.Y. (Dalton is about 10
miles south of Nunda) A few years later he returned to his father's store buying
out his older brother Moses William Dake interest in the business. He was a
partner with his father until his fathers death on Feb. 7, 1900. At this time
he bought out his fathers estate and operated the store alone until early 1903.
For years he drove a coal wagon to Dalton, N.Y. which was loaded by Abram and
his own two younger brothers; Benjamin F. and Charles M. Dake. They would then
return to the coal shed at the rear of the hardware store, Nunda, N.Y. Here
they were obliged to carry the coal accross their shoulders to the fourth floor
of the building. He then worked as a clerk in a hardware store in Los Angeles,
Calif. where he remained until 1905. He traveled extensively including Alaska.
In 1933 he married Alice Ford Kernahan. (She was born in 1866 and died in Nunda,
N.Y. on Dec. 16, 1961. She had been a music teacher in Nunda) For 13 years he
wintered in Lakeland, Fla. In 1947 he sold his home in Nunda, N.Y. and moved
to Lakeland, Fla. residing near the home of his oldest rettired son Virgil Hungerford
Dake (1881- 1950). He died on Jan. 27, 1948 at Lakeland, Fla. He was buried
in Nunda, N.Y. at the Oakwood Cemetery. At the time of his death he had been
a Mason for 76 years and was listed as the 23rd. oldest Mason in the World.
Abram Miller Dake
AHAFAFA.Virgil Hungerford Dake
Virgil was born on June 16, 1881 at Nunda, N.Y. to parents Abram Miller and Jennie
Hungerford Dake. He was married to Maud Byan on March 1905. (She died on Feb.
14, 1921). He lived in Buffalo, N.Y. around 1906-1909 at 180 Rhode Island Street
and on Lafayette Ave. apartment house next to the Lafayette General Hospital.
From around 1909 to about 1920 lived at Meadville, Pa. being associated with the
telephone industry. Then he lived in Pittsburgh till his retirement from the telephone
company. He later married Emma Aikner on May 12, 1921. In 1945 he moved to Lakeland,
Fla. He died in Lakeland, Fla. on Feb. 18, 1950.
Virgil Hungerford
Dake family
AHAFAFAA. Virgil Donald Dake
Virgil was born on May 31, 1906 to parents Virgil Hungerford Dake and Maud Byan.
He died on Feb. 27, 1910.
AHAFAFB. Fred Lee Dake
Fred was born in Nunda, N.Y. on May 14, 1886 to parents Abram Miller
Dake and Jennie Hungerford. He married Lena Elizabeth Van Dusen at Nunda, N.Y.
on May 7, 1907 at the home of the bride's parents.. (She was born on Oct. 18,
1885, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.E. VanDusen). After they were married
they left for Colorado to spend some time due to Lena's health. He intended to
sell concrete mixing machines for the Foote Brothers company but must have instead
returned to Nunda. He lived his whole life in the village of Nunda, N.Y. being
associated with the Foote Brother Concerta Manufacturing Co. On June 9, 1933,
Fred, secretary and treasurer of the Foote Co., Inc. had a, close call from serious
injuries while' returning Nunda from Washington, D. C, by car. He made a hurried
trip to Washington on business for the Foote Co. and was driving alone. At Healy's
Corners, near Canaseraga, on his homeward trip, Mr. Dake, driving north, was ready
to make the turn west toward Canaseraga. At this point another car approached
from the north, driven by a man who resides at Cameron. The two cars came together;
with considerable force, badly wrecking both vehicles, the passengers in the second
car escaping without serious injury. C. H. Holmes, W. R. Wakeman and Chief of
Police McColl, was notified by telephone by Mr. Dake and made a hurried trip to
the scene and bringing Mr. Dake, to Nunda with them and towing in; his Chrysler
coupe. Fred Lee Dake later became President of Foote Co. He later owned this company.
He left an estate of about $400,000. He was a Mason and a Baptist. He died at
Warsaw, N.Y. on July 30, 1956 and was buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Nunda, N.Y.
Fred Lee Dake Family
AHAFAFBA. Dorothy Virginia Dake
Dorothy was born on Feb. 23, 1908 in Nunda, N.Y. to parents Fred Lee Dake and
Lena Van Dusen. She never married and continued to live with her mother.
AHAFAFC. Milton E. Dake :
Milton was born to parents Abram Miller Dake and Jennie Hungerford.
AHAFAFD. Rose Dake :
Rose was born to parents Abram Miller Dake and Jennie Hungerford.
AHAFAG. John Andrus Dake
John was born on April 20, 1864 at Oakhill, Nunda, N.Y. to parents Jonathan
Miller and Fanny Malina Andrus Dake. He was married on May 15, 1886 at Erie,
Penn. to Sophia Adelaide Willett. (She was from Corry, Penn. Born June 7, 1861
and died at Rochester, N.Y. on Nov. 17, 1934) John was a member of the school
board. In the 1890's he worked for the U.S. Baking Company as a traveling salesman.
His half-brother Moses William Dake was general manager and director of the
company. He lived in Nunda, N.Y. until the end of World War I on Gibbs Street
and ran the Nunda Poultry Company. He lived in the same home that his father
Jonathan Miller Dake had lived in from 1872 until his time of death. He then
moved to Rochester, N.Y. where his only son resided. In the early 1920's he
worked for the State Highway Department and at one time was working with the
Highway Department around Lockport, N.Y. His father Jonathan Miller Dake died
in 1900 leaving an estate of $100,000 which was left to his widow and his last
son John Andrus Dake, with nothing to the others. The rest of the children contested
the Will as they all had helped their father to accumulate this fortune. This
contested Will started a legal battle which lasted over 13 years being finally
settled in the Surogate's Court of Livingston Co. at Geneseo, N.Y. in the year
1914. Each one received about $500.00 and the lawyers got the rest. The contest
was first with Moses William Dake, Abraham Miller Dake, Benjamin Franklin Dake,
the Warren Children whose mother was Maria Ann Dake and Charles Morton Dake,
Sr. against John Andrus Dake. In 1903 Charles Morton Dake, Sr. withdrew from
the group and alone retained his own counsel. The reason for this separation
was that Charles and Moses William Dake had a disagreement concerning methods
of operating the bakery. Then Moses's son Millard Hallenbake Dake was in the
bakery as a bookkeeper and he did not conduct his position in recognized business
methods which caused Charles to resign with hard feelings until 1923 when Moses
William's wife Hattie Hallenbake died. He died at Rochester, N.Y. on Nov. 15,
1938. He is buried at Oakwood Cemetery, N.Y.
John Andrus Dake
AHAFAGA. Hazel A. Dake
Hazel was born on May 3, 1887 in Nunda, Livingston Co., N.Y. to parents John Andrus
and Sophia A. Willet Dake. She married a Mr. McMasters. She had one child: Althea.
She lived for a period of time in Dansville, NY and New York, City. She died on
May 5, 1963 at Penn Yan, N.Y.
AHAFAGB. John Walter Dake
John was born on Sept. 1, 1896 in Nunda, Livingston Co., N.Y. to parents John
Andrus and Sophia A. Willet Dake.He attended school in Nunda, NY. He served in
the Navy during World War I. He married Emaline Mary Ostranderon July 30, 1920
in Nunda, NY. (She was born on Jan. 25, 1898) Up until two years before his death
he was an accountant for Bosch and Laumb Company in Rochester, N.Y. He died in
Rochester, N.Y. on July 15, 1964 and is buried at Salmanca, N.Y.
AHAFAGC. Carol Willet Dake
Carol was born on May 17, 1892 at Nunda, Livingston Co., N.Y. to parents John
Andrus and Sophia A. Willet Dake. He died on April 10, 1893 also at Nunda, N.Y.
AHAFAH. Danford Dake
Danford was born on Feb. 28, 1844 at Oakhill, N.Y. to parents Jonathan Miller
and Mary S. Hagadorn Dake. He died the same day.
Charles was born on March 8, 1819 to parents William Gould Dake Jr. and Orpha
Miller in Greenfield, Saratoga Co., N.Y. He moved to Portage in western New York
with his parents when he was about one year old. He received high honors at Genessee
Weslyan Seminary. he then went to Buffalo Medical School and in 1853 graduated
from Cleveland Medical College. He then graduated from the Hahnaman Institute
in 1856. He was first located in 1850 at Warsaw, N.Y. where he practiced for many
years. He was the first Homeopathic Physician in Wyoming Co., N.Y. On June 2,
1840 he married Maria Roberts. (He may have moved to the Town of Dement, Ogle
Co. and purchased land in 1856.) He retired in 1866 to Irondaquoit, N.Y. He was
a Doctor in Rochester, N.Y. for a period of time. He lived on 3000 St. Paul Street,
Rochester, N.Y. He died in July 1905 on St. Paul Street, Irondequoit, Rochester,
N.Y. and was buried in Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N.Y.
Dr. Charles A. Dake died
Saturday at his home in Irondequoit, aged 86 years. He was born in Saratoga, March
8, 1819, but when 2 years of age removed with his parents to Portage, his family
being among the early settlers of that part of the state. He was educated at Genesee
Wesleyan Seminary, and afterwards pursued a course in medicine, graduating from
medical colleges of Cleveland and Philadelphia and also the Buffalo Allopathic
Medical College. Dr. Dake began the practice of medicine in Castile, but in 1850
removed to Warsaw, being known as the first homeopathic physician in Wyoming county.
In 1866 he made his home in Irondequoit, where he had a successful medical practice.
He married Miss Maria Roberts, last May being the sixty-fifth anniversary of his
wedding. Besides his wife, he leaves his son, R. A. Dake, of Irodequoit, and brother
Dr. B. Franklin Dake , of Passadena, CA. The funeral will be held from the home
this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, the internment to be at Warsaw tomorrow.
AHAFBA. Reuben Alonzo Dake
Reuben was born Charles A. and Maria Roberts Dake in 1843. He lived in Irodequoit,
N.Y. in 1911. He was a doctor and at Irondequoit, N.Y. there is a high school
named after him (Reuben Dake H.S.) He died in 1919.
Reuben Alonzo Dake
AHAFBAA. Stella Dake
Stella was born to Reuben Alonzo Dake. She married a Mr. Hartman.
AHAFBB. Alonzo Dake
Alonzo was born to parents Charles A. Dake and Maria (Roberts) Dake.
He married Louisa B. Greyton on Dec. 24, 1878 at Union, OH.
AHAFBC. Mary E. Dake
Mary was born in 1841 to parents Charles A. Dake and Maria (Roberts)
Dake. She died in 1852 and is buried at Warsaw, Wyoming, Co., NY.
Jabez was born to parents William Gould Dake Jr. and Orpha Miller on Sept. 14,
1829 at Hunts Hollow, Portage, N.Y. He became a Physician becoming the first Doctor
to locate in the Nunda area. He was a doctor in the Albion, Orleans Co., N.Y.,
settling there in 1863. He later was a doctor in Warsaw, N.Y. and
Western Homoeopathy
College, Cleveland Ohio
Rochester, N.Y. He was a
graduate of Western Homoeopathy College, Cleveland, Ohio. He married Mary Anna
Ward on Jan. 16, 1851 in the town of Genessee, N.Y. (She was born on Feb. 2,
1831 at Groveland, N.Y. daughter of John Ward) He was a graduate of Genessee
Wesleyan Seminary. He first studied medicine at Geneva Medical College where
he received a certificate. He graduated in 1860 form Western Homeopathic Hospital,
Cleveland, Ohio. He first practiced in Warsaw, N.Y. for a period of years and
later (1863) in Albion, N.Y. After years of practice he was forced to retire
due to ill health. He returned to his old home at Nunda, some time before 1878.
After his health improved he set up an office in Powers Block in Rochester,
N.Y. His sons William and Charles owned a Drug company in Rochester. After a
few years he was forced once again to retire. He died on Feb. 1, 1886 at Rochester,
AHAFCA. William Ward Dake
William was born to parents Jabez and Anna Ward Dake in August 24, 1857 at
Warsaw, NY. The 1875 Rochester NY City Directory lists his occupation as a
grocer. By 1876 he was listed as a druggist. In 1885, he was part owner of the
Dake Brothers Drug Company of Rochester, N.Y. with his brother Charles Alonzo Dake.
This partnership also operated a skating rink. The 1892 NY State census
lists him living in the 6th Ward of Rochester with his father-in-law John
Connor, born 1837 in Ireland and his wife Eva born in 18940 in the US. He
married Katharine Connor. For the next 30 years he operated 3 drug stores
in Rochester. He also owned the Dake Building at the corner of Main Street
and Clinton Ave. South. He was also President of Dake Realty Corporation
which was chartered on October 3, 1914 with $250,000 starting capital. A
contest over the will of Henry and Elmer J. Dake, a cousin was settled before
trial for $25,000. From 1913 until the time of his death he lived at 3294
East Ave. Brighton, NY. The Dakes were considered to be wealthy and were
members of Rochester society. William was a director of the Union
Trust Company (1900) and the Traders National Bank (1919). The
Democrat and Chronicle notes he was struck by lighting in August 1916 while
lowering a flag on a pole in front of his house. He was burned and knocked
unconscious but recovered a few days later. He
died in 1940 at his home at East Brighton, Rochester, N.Y.
AHAFCB. Clara O. Dake
Clara was born to parents Jabez W. and Mary Ann Ward Dake.
AHAFCC. Henry J. Dake
Henry was born to parents Jabez W. and Mary Ann Ward Dake.
AHAFCD. George C. Dake
George was born to parents Jabez W. and Mary Ann Ward Dake.
AHAFCE. Olivia A. Dake
Olivia was born to parents Jabez W. and Mary Ann Ward Dake. She married Washington
G. Humphrey.
AHAFCF. Charles Alonzo Dake
Charles was born to parents Jabez W. and Mary Ann Ward Dake. He was part owner
of the Dake Drug Company of Rochester, N.Y. with his brother William Ward Dake.
Clarissa was born in 1822 at Oakhill, Livingston Co., N.Y. to parents William
Gould Dake and Orpha Miller. She married M. John Dixon at Nunda, N.Y. She died
in 1872.
William was born on Dec. 27, 1824 to parents William Gould Dake and Orpha Miller.
He married Pauline (last name unknown). He was a medical doctor. He died on
Feb. 1, 1848, in Mt. Morris, N.Y.
Benjamin was born on December 16, 1831 at Portage, N.Y. to parents William Gould
Dake, Jr. and Orpha Miller. His early education was received at Nunda, N.Y.
He graduated at Union College in 1857, having been a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon
Fraternity. He married, on Aug. 10, 1858 at Wayne, N.Y. to Delia Lousia
(Lulu) O'Keefe at Palmyra, Wayne, New York. (She died in 1876). After receiving his literary honors, he turned his attention to
the study of medicine and graduated at the Homoeopathic Medical College of Cleveland,
Ohio in 1862. He settled in Mount Morris, Livingston County, N.Y. in 1862 and
enlisted for the draft in the Civil War as a physician, he was listed as
married. After the War he lived in Mount Morris where he
practiced his profession until 1866, when he removed to Pittsburgh, Penn. and
entered into a professional partnership with Dr. Chauncy M. Dake, whom he succeed
in practice in 1867. He had a large and lucrative practice, which afforded abundant
evidence of his ability, and the estimation in which he was held. In his intercourse
with physicians he was courteous and honorable. He was a Corporator of the Homoeopathic
Hospital and Dispensary of Pittsburgh, Penn. and a member of its medical staff.
He was a member of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, of the Homoeopathic
Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania, and served one term as President
of the Homoeopathic Medical Society of Allegheny County, Penn. he retired and
took up residence in Pasadena, CA where he spent his remaining years. He
married a second time on Dec. 23, 1880 to Anna M. McCague at Harshaville,
Beaver, Pennsylvania, she survived him. (Born Sept. 21, 1851 at
Harshaville, Beaver, PA. She died on Jan. 18, 1912 at San Francisco,
California). He died on
Sept. 24, 1907 at Santa Monica, Los Angeles, California at the age of seventy-six years.
He was a member of the Presbyterian Church.
AHAFFA. Daisy Gertrude Dake
Daisy was born on April 28, 1882 to parents Benjamin and Anna M. (McCague)
Dake in Pennsylvania. She married a Mr. Vaile. She died on Sept. 2, 1943 in
Los Angeles Co., CA.
AHAFFB. Benjamin Franklin Dake
Benjamin was born on Nov. 19, 1862 at Greenwood, NY to parents Benjamin
and Delia (O'Keefe) Dake. He may have died early (prior to 1885).
AHAFFC. Anna Mildred Dake
Anna was born to parents Benjamin and Delia (O'Keefe) Dake.
AHAFFD. Benjamin Franklin
Dake II
Benjamin was born on December 15, 1885 to parents Benjamin F. Dake and Anna
McCague Dake. He married Martha Mildred Fleming on August 31, 1918 at Mission
Inn, Riverside Co., CA. He died on June 5, 1952 at Los Angeles, Los Angeles
Co., CA.
AHAFFDA. Benjamin
Franklin Dake III
Benjamin was born January 27, 1927. He served as a Major in the US Army during
WWII, Korea and Vietnam. He died in Oct. 13,1997 and was buried at the Willamette
National Cemetery, Portland, OR.
Benjamin Franklin Dake IV
Benjamin was born October 1951.
AHAFG. (Son) Dake
A son (name unknown) was born about 1825 to parents William Gould Dake, Jr.
and Orpha Miller. He died of Typhoid Fever in about 1848 at the age of 23.