Daughter of Jabez P. Dake and Sophia Bowen. She married Lyman Hoppins. The date
and place of death is unknown. She had a son Chauncey I. Hoppins.
David was born on April 14, 1814 at Greenfield, Saratoga County, N.Y. to parents
Jabez P. Dake and Sophia Bowen. He entered the office of Dr. J.W. Miller, he studied
medicine under his guidance, and attended two courses of lectures at the Fairfield
Medical College, N.Y. and one at Castleton, Vt.. He graduated in the Spring of
1837 from the Geneva Medical College. Settling in Nunda, Livingston County, N.Y.,
he practised Allopathy over nine years, with increasing dissatisfaction with that
system and its results. He also taught and lectured at Nunda Literary Institute.
He could not persuade himself that his patients at any time owed their recovery
to his presciptions, and he found it mortifying to know that the simplest remedies
prescribed by those too poor to employ a physician were often more potent for
a recovery that his most elaborate prescriptions. While in this state of mind,
his attention was drawn to Homeopathy, and he commenced the study of Hahnemann's
"Organon", which he examined with deepest interest. Following this with Jahr's
"Manual", and supplying himself with the more useful remedies, he commenced practice.
During the twenty-five years which passed after his adoption of the Homeopathic
practice, he experienced a satisfaction which he had never known before. Leaving
Nunda, in 1846, the year after his conversion to the new system, he removed to
Pittsburg, where he was introduced to Dr. G. Reichhelm, who extended to him a
cordial welcome, and with whom he labored with delight until the day of his death.
In an address before the American Institute of Homeopathy, during its session
in Washington City, in 1856, his treatment of Homeopathy, as the embodiment of
a Complete Medical Doctrine, attracted marked attention, especially in connection
with the report of a committee on mechanical aids to medication in the treatment
of various diseases. It was clear exhibit of the progress of Homoeopathy, of the
position it now occupies in medical science, and of its claims upon the scientific
mind of the age. In his intercourse with his patrons, Dr. Dake sought to enlighten
their minds in regards to the true principles of medical practice, as opposed
to the fossilized empiricism of the older method of practice. As the practical
demonstration of the efficacy of Homeopathy could be made to comparatively few
at the bedside, and as a more efficient channel through which to reach the masses,
he wrote and secured the publication of about ninety columns in the Daily Dispatch
of Pittsburg, setting forth the claims of Homeopathy upon the confidence of mankind
as a system of cure, contrasted with the Allopathic system in the light of notable
and unequivocal results of practice, and extending reiterated invitations to the
enemies of Homeopathy to disprove the facts or expose the fallacy of the reasoning.
The invitation not being responded to, the people quietly accepted the silence
of the Allopaths as proof that no reply could be made, and Homeopathy has been
ever since gaining ground steadily and surely. In 1860 he submitted a report on
"Medical Education", which was published in the proceedings of the American Institute
of Homeopathy.
A case of prosecution in the criminal courts of a Homeopathic physician for alleged
malpractice excited great attention and deep feeling. Dr. Dake felt that Homeopathy
itself was on trial, and taking the witness' stand, was subjected to a long, close
and searching examination and cross-examination by Edwin M. Stanton, the late
War Secretary, and by numerous experts. The disagreement of the jury disposed
of the case, and the prosecution was never renewed. Failing health compelled him
to retire from his practice in 1863 and move to Reading, Pa. He married Mary Manule.
He died on March 28, 1891 at De Funiak Springs, Fla. He was 77 years of age at
the time of his death.
AHADBA. Mary E. Dake
Mary was born to parents David Merrit and Mary (Manule) Dake. She died on April
11, 1843 at Nunda, N.Y.
AHADBB. Charles Romeyn
Charles was born in 1850 at Pittsburgh,
Pa., to parents David Merit Dake and Mary Manule. He graduated from the College
of Physicians and Surgeons of New York City (Medical Department of Columbia
College) in 1873. His early inspiration was drawn from no less a source than
Dr. F.W. Skiles, late of Brooklyn, N.Y., one of his preceptors, and who, whilst
noted for his medical erudition and acumen was, perhaps best known from the
fact that between the years 1870 and 1880 he conducted the largest private practice
in America, collecting it is said, more than half a million dollars in the brief
In medical matters Dr. Dake was extremely liberal. No man added to the fame
of Hahnemann by grander, nobler words than those that have come from his pen.
Medical Societies had no attraction to him, in fact he was apposed to all organization
that was intended to exert any control over the individual. An though no Medical
Practitioner in the Mississippi Valley was better known or of greater repute
among the people than Dr. Dake, there probably existed no Homoeopathic Physician
of importance who was less known, personally,to medical men than he was.
He was frequently called in consultation as far as Indiana, Missouri and Northern
Illinois. Early in life he declined medical honors in the East, and late in
the West, such as those for which many men strive through a life-time in vain.
Turning his back upon openings in New York and in Pittsburgh, he sought and
found a quiet and successful life in the West. Twice he declined a college Professorship,
one of which was tendered him before he was twenty-five. His short story in
the Christmas supplement of the Homoeopathic News, "The Limits of Imagination"
was greatly admired and particularly so by those most competent to judge of
its literary value. He also wrote a short story "The Death and Resurrection
of Gerald Deane"
Chauncey was born on December 1, 1816 in Greenfield, Saratoga County, N.Y. as
the second son to parents Jabez P. Dake and Sophia Bowen. His academical studies
were pursued at Genesee, and he attended medical lectures at Geneva, but owing
to ill health began practice under a state license in 1836. His first wife was
Miss Harriet Cady, by whom he had a son (She died in 1848); his second wife,
Miss Eliza Kirby, whom he married in 1848, was the only daughter of Professor
S.R. Kirby, of New York. In 1840 he lived in Mt. Morris, Livingston Co., N.Y.
Dr. Dake was converted to Homeopathy in 1841, by his brother-in-law, Dr. H.H.
Cator. While at Rushville, N.Y. he suffered from an attack of inflammatory rheumatism,
and becoming steadily worse, called in Dr. Cator, who prescribed remedies that
gave him relief, and finally cured him. As soon as he had sufficiently recovered
to leave his bed, he procured the few books on homoeopathy then written in the
English Language, and studied them so diligently that he soon became convinced
of the truths contained in them, and entirely changed his mode of practice.
In 1843, he removed to Genesee, N.Y. and was the first to introduce the new
doctrine into that beautiful valley, where he triumphantly battled with ignorance,
prejudice and bitter professional opposition. In 1857, he received a special
degree from the Homeopathic Medical Society in Philadelphia. He moved to Pittsburg
in 1863 and succeeded his brother, Dr. J.P. Dake, of Pittsburgh, Pa., there
continuing a large and flourishing practice until failing health compelled him,
in 1866, to retire to his farm, near Rochester, N.Y.(St. Albans, N.Y.), where
he resided until his death. He died of paralysis at Springwater, N.Y. on July
15, 1872, while visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. Wiley.
Dr. Dake was an ardent lover of the Homeopathic principles and a successful
and popular practitioner. He was the first President of the Livingston County
Homeopathic Medical Society, and delivered an able address at its first meeting.
While initially ridiculed by the Doctors in his family, he was the means of
converting his father from the doctrines of the old school; also his brothers,
Dr. D.M. Dake, Dr. J.P. Dake, and Dr. William H. Dake.
Dumont Charles Dake

Dumont was born June 11, 1838 at Nunda, Livingston Co., N.Y. to parents Dr.
Chauncey M. Dake and Harriet Cady. His grandfather Dr. Jabez Dake was the first
to substitute the bath for the old system of blood-letting and his uncle, Dr.
J.P. Dake has a national reputation as a practioner of the new school of Homeopathy.
His father, Dr. C.M. Dake, was also an eminent physician. Dumont received a
thorough academic education, studied medicine with his father and uncle,and
was associated for some years with the former in practice. He abandoned his
profession for a brief season during the War, and served in the Union Army for
three years, being afterward appointed to the Revenue Service under Secretary
Chase. In 1868 he commenced practice in Rochester, N.Y. as an Homeopathist,
but gradually enlarged his sphere of action, adopting more advanced, liberal,
and in many respects, original ideas, his specialty being Magnetic Therapeutics.
He traveled extensively for several years, achieving and enviable reputation
throughout the West by his peculiar method of diagnosing disease, and his marked
success in the cure of "incurables." A prominent medical journal said of him:
"his methods are novel, his analysis clean-cut and convincing, and he is mentioned
as a modern evolution of the distinguished Dr. Abernethy; courageous, determined,
and an uncompromising foe to all shams and to charlatanism." He removed to New
York in 1879, and was graduated from the United States Medical College in 1882.
He rapidly acquired an extensive practice, his peculiar methods receiving due
recognition among his professioanl brethren of the various schools of medicine,
by whom he was frequently called in for consulations. Although regularly established
in New York City, his practice included patients from Maine to California. He
was married in 1885 to Florence Nightingale Middleton, a daughter of W.H. Middleton,
of Brooklyn.
AHADD. William Henry Harrison Dake
Son of Jabez P. Dake and Sophia Bowen born on June 23, 1822 at Nunda, N.Y. Graduated
from the Western Homoeopathy College, Cleveland, Ohio. Finally left this profession
to become a dentist which at this time was a new specialty in the medical field.
He first practiced medicine at Nunda, N.Y. and then Detroit, Mich., Pittsburgh,
Penn. and Irodequoit, N.Y. and finally at Hornell, N.Y. He married Laura Cassandra
Barrett on Feb. 19, 1845. (She was born on Feb. 14, 1827 in New Hampshire and
died on Mar. 7, 1903 at Nunda, N.Y.). In 1870, he was living in Rochester, NY
and between 1868 and 1872 he was supervisor of the forteenth ward in Rochester.
He died in Hornell, N.Y. on Jan. 28, 1890. He is buried at Nunda, N.Y.
of William Henry Dake
AHADDA. Laurencia Embury Dake
was born to parents William Henry Harrison Dake and Laura Barrett on Jan. 8, 1846
at Nunda, Livingston Co., N.Y. He maried Lucia Aldula Stephens on Aug. 5, 1869
at Rochester, N.Y.
Embury Dake Family
AHADDAA. William Embury Dake (M.D.)
William Embury was born on
Dec. 28, 1874 in Rochester, N.Y. to parents Laurencia Embury Dake and Lucia Stevens.
He graduated from Rochester High School in 1894 and attended the University of
Buffalo from 1894 to 1895. He married Mabel Doty on June 21, 1901 at Church of
Christ Episcopol, Rochester, N.Y. (She was born on May 28, 1877 at Waterloo, NY
and died Sept. 30, 1950 at Victor, NY) He later studied medicine in the Hahnemann
Medical College of Philadelphia, graduating in 1898. He suceeded the late Dr.
Allen B. Carr of Rochester in practice and was a member of the staff of the Hahnemann
Hospital, Rochester, N.Y. He died in January 7, 1949 at Rochester, N.Y. He and
his wife Mable are buried at Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester, NY.
Embury Dake Family
AHADDAAA. Edward Doty Dake
Edward was born at Rochester, NY, April 26, 1905, to parents William Embury Dake
and Mabel (Doty) Dake. He graduated from East High School at Rochester, NY and
attended Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia. He was a Jr. Intern at Crozer
Hospital, Chester, PA 1930-1931, Sr. Intern at Genesee Hospital in Rochester,
NY 1931-1932. He was resident at the Rome State School at Rome, NY 1932-1934,
assitant physician1934-1937, senior asst physician1937-1943 and supervising physician
in 1943. In 1943, he opened private practice in Rome, NY as a General Practitioner,
Surgeon, and Obstetrician. He married Muriel Doris Stretton April 19, 1933 at
the Church of the Savior at Syracuse, NY (she died April 12, 2001 at Fairport,
NY and was buried April 21, 2001 at Rome Cemetery, Rome, NY).
He was examing physician for the Medical Advisory Board #37 and the Armed Forces
Induction Center, Albany, NY. He was a member of the American Psychiatric Association,
the American Association on Mental Deficiency, the American Medical Association,
the New York State Medical Association, the Oneida County Medical Society, the
Utica Academy of Medicine. He was also a member of Zion Episcopal Church, Rome
Lodge 223 F & A.M., Mohawk Valley Consistory, 32nd degree Mason and the Izaak
Walton League of America, on the Executive Board of the Fort Stanwix Boy Scout
Council and a long time member of the Rome Rotary Club and Teugega Country Club.
He died December 11, 1981 at Tonawanda, NY and was buried at Rome Cemetery, Rome,
Edward Doty Dake Family
AHADDAAAA. Edward Doty Dake (II)
Edward was born December 10, 1939 at Rome, NY to parents Edward D. Dake, MD and
Muriel Stretton Dake. He graduated from Rome Free Academy in 1957 and from Ithaca
College, Ithaca, NY in 1964 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration.
He married Sheila Margaret Donahue July 3, 1965 at St. Peter’s Church at Rome,
NY. They had 3 children: Edward Doty Dake, III (married Deanna Lynn Simonds);
William George Dake and Brian James Dake. He has worked at Rochester, NY in Marketing
for Bausch & Lomb (25 years), Milton Roy Company, (5 years), PSC Inc. (7 years)
and RES Exhibit Services (2 years). The family lived at Rochester (Greece), NY
from 1965-1979; Perinton (Fairport), NY from 1979-2001 and Victor, NY 2001 to
2005. Edward died on Dec. 13, 2005 at Victor, NY.
Edward Doty Dake (II)
AHADDAAAAA. Edward Doty Dake (III)
Edward was born June 17, 1968 at Rochester, NY to parents Edward D. Dake, II and
Sheila Donahue Dake. He graduated from Fairport High School in 1986 and from the
Riverside School of Aeronautics, Utica, NY, in 1991. He married Deanna Lynn Simonds
at St. John’s of Rochester, Perinton, NY September 24, 1994. He worked at Meyers
Company, Fairport, NY from 1993-1999 and has been a heavy Equipment Operator
for Randsco Pipeline Co. , Macedon, NY from 1999 to present.. They lived in Macedon,
NY from 1994-2001 and Perinton (Fairport), NY in 2001 He married a
second time to Rachel Sayers on Nov. 23 2013 in Victor, NY. In 2002 he
became a Firefighter for the Egypt Fire Department in Fairport, NY and since
2015 for the Webster Fire Department in Webster, NY. The currently reside
in Webster, NY.
Edward Doty Dake (III)
AHADDAAAAAA. John (Jack) Edward Dake
Jack was born May 30, 1997 at Rochester, NY to parents Edward D. Dake, III and
Deanna Lynn Simonds. He graduated from Fairport High School in 2015 and
graduated from St. John Fisher College in 2019 with a Bachelor's degree in
Business Administration Management and is currently employed as a Project
Manager for O'connell Electric Co. in Rochester, NY. He resides in
Fairport, NY.
AHADDAAAAAB. Sara Elizabeth Dake
Sara was born September 22, 1998 at Rochester,NY to parents Edward D. Dake, III
and Deanna Lynn Simonds. She died September 23, 1998 and was buried September
26, 1998 at St. Mary's Cemetery, Perinton (Fairport), NY.
AHADDAAAAAC. Colin James Dake
Colin was born June 1, 2000 at Rochester, NY to parents Edward D. Dake, III and
Deanna Lynn Simonds. He graduated from Fairport High School in 2018 and is
currently employed by Randsco Pipeline in Macedon, NY and is a Firefighter
for the Fairport Fire Department. He currently resides in Fairport,
AHADDAAAAB. William George Dake
William was born October 12, 1973 at Rochester, NY to parents Edward D. Dake,
II and Sheila Donahue Dake. He graduated from Fairport High School in 1993. He
works at Advantage Tool Co. at Victor, NY. On Jan. 14, 2006 at Geneva, NY he married
Shannon DeVall. He lived at Perinton (Fairport), NY in 1997. In 2014 they moved
to Shrewsbury, Vermont. He is currently employed as a Inventory
Control Tech. at Rutland Regional Medical Center, Rutland, VT.
AHADDAAAAC. Brian James Dake
Brian was born December 7, 1976 at Rochester, NY to parents Edward D. Dake, II
and Sheila Donahue Dake. He graduated from Fairport High School in 1995. He works
at Advantage Tool Co. at Victor, NY. He married Adrienne Hugo from Broadalbin, NY.
They were married in Rochester, NY
on Nov 6, 2004. He lived at Perinton (Fairport), NY in 1997. In 2013, they
moved to Victor, NY. He is currently employed as a sales representative for
Brian James
Dake Family
AHADDAAAACA. Owen Edward Dake
Born on Sept. 22, 2007 to parents Brian James Dake and Adrienne (Hugo) Dake.
AHADDAAAACB. Caroline Margaret Dake
Born on Nov. 10, 2009 to parents Brian James Dake and Adrienne (Hugo) Dake.
AHADDAAAB. Barbara Lou Dake
Barbara was born September 10, 1935 at Rome, NY to parents Edward D. Dake, MD
and Muriel Stretton Dake. She graduated from Rome Free Academy in 1953 and from
Green Mountain Junior College, Pultney, VT in 1955. She married Donald Albert
MacLean at Zion Episcopal Church, Rome, NY, on May 5, 1956. They had 3 children:
Susan Heather MacLean (married (1) James Honness and (2) Peter Gresh; Martha Lynn
MacLean (married Daniel Woods); David Edward MacLean (married Cynthia Anne Thomas).
Her current residence is at Long Boat Key, FL and their summer home is at Canandaigua,
AHADDAAB. William Embury Dake (II)
William was born December 14, 1902 at Rochester, NY to parents William Embury
Dake and Mabel Doty Dake. He graduated from a Rochester, NY high school and from
Harvard University. He was awarded a Charles Elliot fellowship. He married Marion
Rodgers Sage September 4, 1924 at Rochester, NY (she died December 30, 1999 and
is buried at Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester, NY). William was a landscape architect
for the Genesee State Park Commission, a member of Monroe Golf Club, the Rochester
Club and the American Society of Landscape Architects. He died August 14, 1958
at Canandaigua, NY and is buried at Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester, NY.
William Embury Dake
(II) Family
AHADDAABA. Lou Anne Dake
Lou was born on May 20, 1933 at Rochester, NY to parents William E. Dake (II)
and Marion (Sage) Dake. She married Carlton Earnest Garno on October 18, 1952
(He died on Dec. 18, 2020, at home in Loveland, Colorado).
They had five children: Cynthia Lee Garno (married a Platt), Sharon Louise Garno
(married a Mr. Bishop), Douglas David Garno, Paul Embury Garno and Phillip Bruce
Garno. Currently reside in Colorado.
AHADDAABB. Linda Mae Dake
Linda was born on August 3, 1942 at Rochester, NY to parents William I. Dake
(II) and Marion (Sage) Dake. She married Olen Madison Wilford on March 28, 1986.
(He died on June 20, 2012 at Rancho Santa Fe, San Diego, California).
They have no children. Linda passed away on Dec. 5, 2019 in Solana Beach,
San Diego, California.
AHADDAAC. Margaret Dake
Margaret was born June 27, 1906 at Rochester, NY to parents William Embury Dake
and Mabel (Doty) Dake. She married William O’Brien April 4, 1949 (He died March
23, 1968 at Clifton Springs, NY and is buried at Honeoye Falls, NY). She died
March 1, 1974 and is buried at Honeoye Falls, NY. She was a registered nurse.
They had no children.
AHADDB. Ida Henrietta Dake
Ida was born on July 16, 1850 to parents William Henry Harrison Dake and Laura
Barrett at Pittsburg, Penn. She married John Emory Thayer on April 9, 1872.
She died in Sept. 24, 1909 at Rochester, Ulster, New York. They had children: Leora A., Harry J., Ethel L. and Walter
AHADDC. Epathero Americus Dake
Epathero was born on Jan. 4, 1848 at Detroit, Mich. to parents William Henry
Harrison Dake and Laura Barrett.
AHADDD. Mary Ella Dake
Mary was born on Sept. 17, 1862 at Irodequoit, N.Y. to parents William Henry
Harrison Dake and Laura Barrett.
AHADE. Anna Eliza Dake
Daughter of Jabez P. Dake and Sophia Bowen. She married James D. Crank a prominent
merchant for many years, at Geneseo, N.Y. She died at Cincinnati, Ohio leaving
six children. Mr. Crank later lived in Pasadena, Calif., where he had orange
groves and vineyards. His eldest son, Hon. J.F. Crank, a member of the California
Legislature was one of the leading capitalists of the Los Angles region. His
second son, Charles D. Crank, M.D. practiced medicine in Cincinnati and held
a professorship at Pulte Medical College, in Cincinnati. His youngest son was
a physician located at Los Angles, California.
AHADF. Abram B. Dake
Son of Jabez P. Dake and Sophia Bowen. He married Elvira Herrick. He died March
30, 1843 at Nunda, N.Y.
AHADG. Louisa Dake
Daughter of Jabez P. Dake and Sophia Bowen. She married James McClellan. The
date and place of death is unknown.
Jabez was
born in Johnstown, Fulton Co., N.Y. April 22, 1827 to parents Dr. Jabez Dake
and Sophia Bowen . His father was for many years a
Nunda, NY
successful Allopathic Physician
in Nunda, N.Y. He was educated in the Literary Institute at Nunda and at Madison
University at Hamilton, N.Y. Up to the time of his graduation at the age of
twenty-two, he had been constantly in school, except for one year 1845-46 which
he spent in Tennessee, as principal at the Bethany Institute, about twenty miles
east of Memphis. While in Tennessee his father died, occasioning his speedy
return for the settlement of the estate and care of his mother. Previously at
the age of sixteen his mind led toward the law and he began to read Blackstone
in the office of an eminent lawyer, but coming often upon lengthy Latin quotations
that he could not read he concluded after a few months to return to school.
Before he had reached the end of his college course his mind had received strong
religious bias, and he felt that he ought to preach. But dyspepsia and throat
affection and a tendency to his fathers profession finally deceided him to study
medicine. His first writting was on the merits of the new system of therapeutics,
entitled "Generalization in Medicine", read before the senior class at Union
College in 1848 and afterwards published in a Schenectady paper by Dr. Swits.
While still a student in 1849 he fought Asiatic Cholera in Pitttsburgh. He graduated
from Union College, Schenectady, N.Y., with a Bachelor of Arts, in July 1849,
studied medicine with Dr. Gustavus Reichhelm, at Pittsburg, Pa.; attended lectures
at Geneva Medical College and later at the Homoeopathic College at Philadelphia.
He graduated at the Homoeopathic
Hahnemann Medical
College of Philadelphia
Medical College in 1851 (now
the Hahnemann College) he associated himself with Dr. Reichhelm (from the University
of Halle, Prussia) after his graduation, until 1853 when Dr. Reichelm moved
from Philadelphia leaving him with the practice. In 1855 he delivered an oration
on the "Philosophy of Homoeopathy" at the centennial celebration of Hahnemann's
birthday in Philadelphia. He was elected to the chair of Materia Medica in the
College of Philadelphia which he held for two years. In 1857 he was elected
President of The American Institute of Homoeopathy at its session in Chicago
and in 1858 delivered the annual address before that learned body during its
session in Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1860 he prepared and published a small work for
domestic use on "Acute Diseases" and in 1871 in Nashville, republished the same.
He became one of the editors in 1852 of the Philadelphia Journal of Homoeopathy;
in 1860 of the U.S. Journal of Homoeopathy, and in 1863 of the North American
Journal of Homoeopathy.
In 1863 his health so completely gave way under his extensive practice and many
duties that he entirely relinquished practice and returned to his farm at Salem,
Ohio. While residing in Ohio he, along with several other gentlemen, established
the Hahnemann Life Insurance Company of Cleveland, Ohio. He became interested
in the cultivation of the grape on the southshore of Lake Erie. In 1869 he had
regained his health but his wife having shown symptoms of pulmonary disease
he sought a milder climate and went to Nashville, Tenn. In 1875 he took leave
from his practice once again due to health reasons and traveled extensively
throughout Europe. At the First World's Homoeopathic Congress in Philadelphia
in 1876 he read a paper on "Meteria Medica as a Science". In 1878 he was appointed
and served on the "Yellow Fever Commission". In 1881 he again traveled to Europe
traveling through Holland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Russia. In 1885 he was
the american editor of the Cyclopoedia of Drug Pathogenesy. This same year he
made a third trip to Europe with his son Dr. J. P. Dake (III) for whose health
the journey was undertaken. Jabez (III) died Nov. 14, 1886 in Nashville. In
1893 he visited Japan accompanied by his son Dr. Charles Dake. In 1894 he revisited
Vancouver and the Pacific coast in company with Justice Howell E. Jackson of
the U.S. Supreme Court. He abandoned general practice confining himself to consultation
with his sons Drs. William C. and Walter M. Dake, who succeeded to his practice.
He later devoted much of his time to literature and art. He was the organizer
and for several years the president of the Nashville Art Association. In Nashville
he acquired a large practice which he retained till his death on Oct. 28, 1894,
aged 67 years and 6 months. While attending a concert at the Tabernacle in Nashville
Dr. Dake sustained a stroke of paralysis and died two days later.
In 1851 he was married to Miss Elizabeth Church, the daughter of a very eminent
Allopathic Physician of Pittsburgh. He was one of the best known and most influential
Homoeopathic Physicians in this country. He belonged to a family of physicians,
which included his father, two brothers and five sons (William C., Walter M.,
Charles and Frank B. Dake) He was always a member of the Baptist Church.
AHADHA. William Irvin Church Dake
William was born Jan. 28.1852 in
Pittsburgh, Pa. to parents Jabez P. and Elizabeth (Church) Dake. He was the eldest
son. He was educated at Pittsburgh, Pa.; Ypsilanti, Mich., and studied medicine
in his father's office. He was graduated at the Medical Department of the University
of Nashville in 1872 and spent the winter of 1872-73 in New York City, attending
lectures and clinics in the various hospitals, and was matriculated at the College
of Physicians and Surgeons and the New York Homeopathic Medical College. Returning
to Nashville he entered into a partnership with his father. He was a member of
the American Institute of Homeopathy since 1872 and was President of the Southern
Homeopathic Medical Association of the Homeopathic Medical Society of Tennessee,
and of the Homeopathic Medical Society of Middle Tennessee. His literary labors
were chiefly in connection with medical matters. He contributed to various medical
journals and proceedings of the societies of which he was a member. On Aug. 28,
1878 at Janesville, WI he married Miss Adelaide Myra Wiggin, she lived only three
months after their marriage. On Aug. 28, 1878, Dr. Dake was married a second time
to a sister of his first wife Adelaide Augusta Wiggin, daughter of Richard and
Rebekah Wiggin, of Janesville, Wis., and had two children, Richard Wiggin and
Elizabeth Church Dake. He died on December 9, 1910 in Pittsburg, Penn.
AHADHAA. Richard Wiggin Dake
Dr. Richard W. Dake was born Dec. 23, 1879 in Nashville, Tenn. to parents William
C. and Adelaide Augusta (Wiggin) Dake. He was educated in private schools in the
Wallace School and St. Paul's Preparatory School at Garden City, Long Island.
He entered Vanderbilt University as a medical student in 1899 and was graduated
with the class of 1903. Upon graduation he first set up practice with his uncles
Charles and Frank Borland Dake in Hot Springs, Ark. In 1904, he was associated
with his father in Nashville.
On Nov. 22, 1905 he married Miss Julia Ezell Dudley, a daughter of Guilford and
Mary Brittain (Ezell) Dudley who were natives of Tennessee.
He belonged to the Masonic Faternity and took the degrees of Scottish Rite Masonry.
He also belonged to the Order of Elks, Hermitage Club, the Belle Meade Golf Club,
the Kiwanis Club and the Chamber of Commerce. He served on the medical staff of
the Women's Hospital at Nashville and served seven months in the Army in the First
World War as a Captain of the Corps, being commissioned on Sept. 7, 1918 and discharged
in April, 1919. He was stationed at Camp Hancock, Augusta, Georgia, at Camp Greenleaf
near Oglethorpe, Georgia and at Fort McPherson, near Atlanta. He was highly commended
for his work with Xray while serving there. He was appointed to the faculity of
Vanderbilt Medical School but died before he served. He died on Aug. 13, 1923
in Cumberland, Maryland. He died on complications of double pneumonia while on
a motor tour of the East. He was a member of the Episcopal Church. Politically
he was a Democrat.
Wiggin Dake Family
AHADHAAA. Mary Dudley Dake
Mary was born on Feb. 22, 1908 to parents Richard W. Dake and Julia Ezell Dudley
Dake. On Sept. 7, 1929 she married Frank Fletcher.
AHADHAB. Elizabeth Church Dake
Daughter of William C. and Adelaide (Wiggin) Dake born on June 7, 1881, at Janesville,
Wis. She married Robert Morris Wilson. She died on Feb. 13, 1908 at Nashville,
AHADHB. Walter Marshall Dake
Walter was born Jan. 16, 1855 in
Pittsburgh, Pa. as the second son to Dr. Jabez P. and Elizabeth (Church) Dake.
His early education was received in the public schools, and later under Dr. Bryce
Thompson of Nashville, Tenn., by whom he was prepared to enter upon a course of
medical training. In 1875 he became a student in the Palte Medical College of
Cincinnati, Ohio, and in September, 1876, was matriculated in the Hahnemann Medical
College of Philadelphia, where he was graduated in 1877. He began the practice
of medicine at Jackson, Tenn., but was called to Nashville in 1878, to enter into
partnership with his father and brother, Dr. William C. Dake, practicing physicians
in that city. As a member of this prominent firm he attained considerable distinction.
he was a member of the American Institute of Homeopathy; the Southern Homeopathic
Medical Association, and the Homeopathic Medical Society of Tennessee. Numerous
treatises contributed by him to medical journals assisted the progress of medical
science. Dr. W. M. Dake took a prominent part in public measures for the educational
advancement of his adopted city; he was a Director of the Howard Library, and
had himself collected a private library of several thousand valuable works. He
was married, Nov. 8, 1882 to Fanny G. daughter of Samuel M. Ward of Jefferson,
Tex. They had two children, Walter M., Jr., and Woodie Elizabeth.
AHADHBA. Walter Marshall Dake, Jr.
Walter was born Oct. 15, 1886 in
Nashville, Tenn. to parents Walter Marshall and Francis (Ward) Dake. He received
his early education at private schools in Nashville and at the Lawrenceville,
N.J. School and for a brief period studied medicine at Vanderbilt University.
In 1903 he went to Colorado where he worked in various mills and mines, later
being employed by the Colorado Telephone Co. in its Engineering Department and
by the Central Colorado Power Co. at Shoshone,Colo., on construction work. In
1906-07 he was mill-man and assayer at the Nashota Mill, Silver Plume, Colo. the
next three years were spent in lower California, Mexico, where he was Assayer
and Smelter Superitendent with the El Valle Mines Co., San Antonio, in 1907-08,
and was Constructor and Superintendent of the San Janis Reduction Works in 1908-09,
becoming Mine and General Superintendent of both companies. Returning to the United
States in 1910, he was first associated with the Goldfield Consolidated Mines
Co., Aurora, Nev., and then in turn became Superintendent in Charge of the Cyanide,
Sand and Slime Plant of the Pitts-Silver Peak G.M. & M. Co., Blair, Nev.,
1911; Mills Superintendent of the Bully Boy Mines Co., Marysvale, Utah, 1911-12;
Mill Superintendent of the Rye Valley, Oreg. subsidiary plant of the U.S. Smelting,
Refining & Mining Co., 1912-15; Construction Engineer and Mill Superintendent
with Stall Brothers, operators of cyanide mill at Masonic, Calif., 1915, and Mill
and General Superintendent of the Aurora, Nev.Consolidated Mines Co., a subsidiary
of the Goldfield Consolidated Mines Co., 1915-17. Later he was Confidential Engineer
for Leon F. Rains of Salt Lake City, reporting on coal properties in Wyoming and
Utah, 1917-18; Superintendent of the Blazon Coal Co., Point of Rocks, Wyo., early
in 1918; General Superintndent of the Carbon Fuel Co. and Morton Coal Co. of Carbon
County, Utah, and the Blazon Coal Co., Point of Rocks, Wyo., 1919-20, and General
Manager of the Rock Springs Coal & Mining Co., Hallville, Wyo. 1920-21. In
1921 he organized in Denver, Colo., the Dake Engineering Co., a consulting engineering
firm specializing in metal and coal examination and in the operating organizations
of mining properties, serving as President of this company and of the Associated
Mines Co. of Alma, Colo., and as Consulting Engineer of the Anglo-California Petroleum
Co. Moving to the East in 1922, he was Administrative Assistant in the Engineering
Division of the U.S. Coal Commission until its work was completed in 1923. From
1924 to 1936 he was Consulting Engineer in Charge of Sales of the Joy Manufacturing
Co., Franklin, Pa., manufacturers of mechanical loading machines and allied mining
equipment. He resigned in the latter year to become associated with the McGraw-Hill
Publishing Co., New York City, as Research Manager of Mining Publications and
Associate Editor of Coal Age. He was also Managing Editor of both Coal Age and
Engineering and Mining Journal and as Associate Editor of "Peele's Mining Engineers'
Handbook". In addition he was Consulting Engineer to Mining Machine Parts, Inc.,
Cleveland, Ohio, and the Dymonhard Corporation of America, New York City. After
1922 he was Consulting Engineer in Special Technological Studies for the U.S.
Government and throughout the major part of his career he was closely associated
with mechanization in the coal and metal mining industries. He was a member of
the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, West Virginia Coal
Mining Institute, Rocky Mountain Coal Mining Institute, Illinois Mining Institute,
the Masonic Order, the Washington Club of Franklin, Pa., the Westchester, N.Y.
Country Club, the Larchmont,N.Y. Yacht Club and the Lotos Club of New York City.
In religion he was an Episcopalian and in politics a Republican. He was married
at Hot Springs, Ark., Apr. 28, 1915, to Helen Vaughan, daughter of William Lester
Babcock, of that city.
Marshall Dake, Jr.
AHADHBAA. Sara Elizabeth Vaughn Dake
Sara was born to parents Walter Marshall Dake,Jr. and Helen Vaughn Dake. She married
Will R. Ray.
AHADHBB. Woodie Elizabeth Dake
She was born on Dec. 13, 1890 in Nashville, Tenn. to parents Walter Marshall Dake
and Francis Ward. She married Valdo Frank Wilson in Denver, CO on June 30, 1910.
(Valdo Sr. was born on March 12, 1887 in Denver, CO and died May 11, 1956 in Washington,
DC.) They were divorced around 1929. They had three sons (Valdo Frank Wilson,
Jr. born July 1, 1914 in Denver, died Jan. 26, 1956 in Akron, OH. William Dake
Wilson born 29, 1920 in Denver. He lives in Raleigh, NC (2005). Richard Marshall
Wilson born Oct. 16, 1921 in Denver, Co and died March 13, 2002 in Stuart, FL.).
Woodie and Valdo were divorced around 1929 and she married Baxter Hunter Bruce.
There was no children by this second marriage. Woodie died Aug 14, 1953 in Akron,
OH. The date and place of her death is unknown.
AHADHC. Jabez Percy Dake
Jabez was born on September 15, 1857 to parents Jabez P. Dake and Elizabeth Church
at Pittsburgh, Penn. He was educated chiefly in Nashville, graduating from the
Fogg high school, attending lectures at the Medical Department of the University
of Tennessee and the University of Michigan and taking his medical degrees from
the latter in 1879. He located at New Albany, Indiana but was prevented remaining
there long by failing health. Giving up practice he visited the Hot Springs, Arkansas
and other health resorts in this country and in Europe. He spent several summers
on the Cumberland Mountains, at Mount Eagle and attended the sick among the summer
visitors and the attendants of the Chautauqua Assembly. He moved to Hot Springs
and took up practice with Dr. L.D. Ordway, formerly of Freeport, Ill. He then
assisted his father and brothers in their practice at Nashville. He died at the
residence of his father, beyond Vanderbilt University, in Nashville, Tenn. on
Nov. 14, 1886 at the age of 30. He was amember of the First Baptist Church.
AHADHD. Charles Dake
Charles was born July 13, 1860 in
Pittsburg, Pa. as the fourth son of Dr. Jabez P. and Elizabeth (Church) Dake.
Like his brothers, he was determined to enter the medical profession, and was
educated to that end , first in the common schools of his native city and of Salem,
Ohio, and later in the High School of Nashville, Tenn., where his family settled
in 1869. After leaving school he studied for one year at the Southerwestern Baptist
University, Jackson, Tenn., and in 1879 entered the Medical Department of the
University of Tennessee, where he was graduated in 1881. After practicing his
profession for a few months at Hot Springs, Ark. he removed to Louisville, Ky.,
but returned in 1883 to resume his labors in the locality which he had at first
chosen. Here he met with marked success and established a practice which was national.
Dr. Dake was a specialist in chronic diseases, and from time to time wrote articles
for the medical journals, treating of his chosen specialty. He was a member of
various medical associations, among them the American Institute of Homoeopathy
and the Southern Homoeopathic Medical Association, and was a prominent Mason.
Dr. Dake was married July 29, 1900 to Emily J. third daughter of Col. J. L. Hurley
of Australia, MS, who was one of the largest and most successful cotton planter
in the south. He died on Sept. 11, 1937 in Hot Springs, Ark.
of Charles Dake
AHADHDB. Mary Church Dake
Mary was born to parents Charles Dake and Emily J. Hurley in Minneapolis, Minn.
She died on Oct. 25, 1901 at Deeson, Miss.
AHADHDA. Emily Hurley Dake, Jr.
Emily H. was born to parents Charles Dake and Emily J. Hurley on Oct. 30, 1905
at Hot Springs, Ark.
AHADHDC. Biddle Dake
She was born on Nov. 30, 1902 to Charles Dake and Emily J. Hurley.
AHADHE. Frank Borland Dake
Frank was born Sept 10, 1864 in Salem, Ohio as the youngest son of Dr. Jabez P.
and Elizabeth (Church) Dake. He removed to Nashville, Tenn., with his parents
in 1869, and like his father and brothers, early decided to study medicine. He
was educated in the public schools and the Montgomery Bell Academy at Nashville.
He attended Weaver's Business College, at Louisville, Kentucky. He matriculated
in the Medical Department of the Universtiy of Tennessee in 1885, from which he
was graduated in 1887. The following winter he attended lectures and clinics at
the Post-Graduate Medical School of New York City, after which he practiced medicine
for a time at Memphis, Tenn., and Chicago, Ill. Locating finally at Hot Springs,
Ark. and becoming associated with his brother, Dr. Charles Dake. Dr. Dake was
a member of the American Institute of Homoeopathy; the Southern Homoeopathic Medical
Association and other organizations, was a Mason of high rank, a Knight Templar
and Shriner and a member of several social clubs.