William was born March 6,
1761 in Hopkinton, Kings Co.,R.I. to parents Charles Deake and Anna Gould Deake.
He moved with his parents to White Creek, Washington Co. N.Y. between 1772 and
He was drafted in Sept. 1778 during the Revolutionary War, to go to Fort Edward
in Captain Whitesides Company, Col. Lewis Von Woerts 16th Regiment of Cambridge.
He was out on two or three sudden expeditions amounting to two and one half months.
In 1779 he was called out to go to Palmertown for three or four weeks and during
the same year he went three or four different times to Fort Ann and Fort Edward.
When the enemy was reported as coming to rebuild Ticonderoga he was called out
to go to Lake Champlain. In Sept. 1780 he left on a 3 month expedition serving
under Captain William Brown, Col. Von Woerts' 16th Regiment to Palmertown, Fort
Ann and Fort Edwards. After remaining there three weeks they returned home. The
day after arriving at home they were ordered back because the British had captured
and burnt Fort Ann and Fort Edwards. They pursued the enemy as far as Lake George
and were gone eight days. In 1781 he was called out on a sudden alarm amounting
to one month. He was later allowed a pension claim for six month service as a
Private in the New York Militia at $20 per annum. (Certificate 31750 issued May
13, 1840, Act of June 7, 1832 at Albany Agency). He also served in the Class of
Ebenezer Allen in Col. Blair's Regiment. The following pay records were found:
Oct. 9, 1780, nineteen shillings and five pence (Certificate 25290) and June 4,
1780, one pound, seven shillings and nine pence (Certificate 25317) See letter
attached, in his own handwriting, which documents his service in the War.
In an affidavit prepared by Attorney Frank B. Dake, we find the following statement:
"I do further despose and say that amoung the things which my brother and I had
for playthings in our childhood was an old flint locked musket which was carried
by our said great grandfather, the said William Gould Dake, when he was a soldier
in the Revolutionary war. That the said musket was then so much out of order that
when I was about nine years old, my borther who was older than I traded the said
musket to another boy in the neighborhood, named Madison Mosher, who traded it
to a gunsmith named John R. Bennett, who resided in Nunda (N.Y.). I can now well
remember hearing my grandfather, the said William Dake, say when I was a child
that his father carried the said musket in the Revolutionary War."
The following document is filed at the National Archives as his Pension
Application for service in The Revolutionary War.
State of New York
County of Livingston
On this 26 th day of May 1835 personally appeared in open court before the Judges
of The Court of Common Pleas of Livingston County now sitting William G. Dake
aged seventy four years & upward a resident of the Town of Portage in the
County of Allegany & State of New York who being first duly sworn according
to law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the
benefit of the Act of Congress paped June 7, 1832. That he entered the service
of The United States under the officers herein after named & served as hereinafter
The Deponent during the Revolutionary War lived in Cambridge then in the County
of Albany now Washington County. That in the year 1778 the De ponent then being
seventeen years old was enrolled as a Militia Man. & in September of that
year was drafted to go to Fort Edward - he went there & was there three or
four weeks until he was discharged & a part of the time while there they were
employed on scouting expeditions. Major Chipman Commanded the Fort & the Deponent's
Company was commanded by Captain Whitesides.- Afterwards during the same year
the Deponent was out on two or three sudden expeditions.
In the year 1779 this Deponent was called out to go to Palmertown & was at
that place three or four weeks & during the same year he went three of four
different times to Fort Ann & Fort Edward & each time was absent two or
three weeks.
In 1780 in the month of September the Deponent with others were ordered to Fort
Ann & after remaining there three weeks returned home. The day after they
arrived at home they were ordered back in consequence of the enemy having come
on & burnt Fort Ann & Fort Edwards : They pursued the enemy as far as
Lake George & were gone eight-days or thereabout previous to this & in
the same year the Deponent was called out twice to go to Fort Ann.
This Deponent also remembers that in 1779 it was reported that the enemy were
coming to rebuild Ticonderoga & in consequence of such report he was called
out to go to Lake Champlain. They did not cross the lake for the want of boats.
This Deponent was then under Colonel Van Wort & Capt. William Brown - remembers
that Governor George Clinton was there at that time
In 1781 this Deponent was repeatedly called out on sudden expeditions - as mentioned
in respect to the precedint years. But this Deponent was so frequently called
out for periods of from two to five weeks each from the year 1778 to the close
of the war that he cannot now state definitely the precise length of time he was
in actual service nor the times when such service was rendered but has no doubt
he served in the year 1778 at least two months & a half : In the year 1779
at least three months : In 1780 at least three months - In 1781 at least one month
And I the said William G. Dake hereby relinquish every claim whatever to a Pension
or Annuity except the present & declare that my name is not on the Pension
roll of the agency of any State & that I am the same William G. Dake mentioned
in the affidavit of Charles Dake here to annexed & the same person who is
mentioned as William Dake in the affidavit of Jabez Mosher
annexed to the declaration of David Mosher
In answer to the interrogationes of the Court the said Deponent answers
1st I was born in Hopkintown in the State of Rhode Island March 6th 1761
2 I have a record of my age taken by me from a record made by my father which
is now at my place of residance
3 When I was called into service I lived in Cambridge then in Albany County now
in Washington County & in the State of New York - In the year 178- I removed
to Greenfield Saratoga County where I resided until October 1830 when I removed
to Portage in Allegany County where I now reside
4th When called into service I was drafted except on alarms & sudden expeditions
where I volunteered
5th The names of some of the Officers which I now recollect are Major Chipman,
Captain Whitesides, Major Austin, Col. Van Wort, Captain Brown, Gov. Clinton -
Col. Sherwood - Captain Boult
6th I have received written discharge from service, which have been destroyed
long since as of no value
7th The names of some persons to whom I am known in my present neighborhood &
who can testify to my character for veracity & good behaviour & services
as a soldier of the Revolution are David Mosher, William G. Wisner - John Gifford
Wm. G. Deak
Sworn to &
subscribed the day & year aforesaid
We David Mosher of Portage Allegany County in the State of New York & William
G. Wisner a Clergyman residing in Mount Morris Livingston County & John
Gifford residing in Portage aforesaid - Hereby certify that we are well acquainted
with William G. Dake who has subscribed & sworn to
On Sept. 15, 1781, he married Margaret Mosher in Washington Co., N.Y. (She was
the daughter of Jabez Mosher; born April 1765) On April 11, 1785, William signed
a petition as part of the 16 Regiment of the Albany Company to make Captain
Joseph Crary their new commander. (This was also signed by John Deake, Charles
Deake, jr, Jabez MOsher, jr., Ebenezer Allen, Charles Deake and others). In
the Spring of 1786, William moved with his parents Charles Deake and Anna Gould
Deake, to Ballstown Township, Saratoga Co., N.Y. This later became Daketown,
Greenfield Township. He later owned land in Saratoga Co., N.Y. Some time around
1811 the family name was formally changed to Dake.
In 1828 he purchased fifty acres of land in the Town of Portage, Allegany Co.,
N.Y. (Now part of Livingston Co.) and on June 18, 1830 he sold his land in Saratoga
to his brother Benjamin C. Dake and moved to Allegany Co., N.Y. (His son William
Jr. had moved to this area in 1820) William Sr. purchased a large tract of land
in Oakhill, Town of Portage, Allegany Co., N.Y. a short distance from his son
William Jr. His farm joined what was called the Latham Coffin Farm. In the 1840
Census of Pensioners he was listed as living in Portage, Livingston Co., N.Y.
at the age of 79. He lived on the farm until his wife Margaret died on Oct.
13, 1841 and then moved to the Village of Nunda where he lived with his daughter
Abigail (Abbie) Dake Northop.
On August 1, 1843 he died of a natural death at the home of his daughter Lucy
Weed in Nunda, Livingston Co., N.Y. and was buried in the Picket Line Cemetery,
now known as the Oak Hill Cemetery, on Picket Line Rd., Livingston Co., NY (northwest
of Nunda) next to his wife, which was only 2 miles from his original farm. At
this time it was written in his obituary, "He was a man of genial mind and greatly
loved. His last illness was short". His will indicated John E., Charles and
Jabez as executors.
Click here to see the actual copy of William
Gould Deake's Pension Application